Spending Plan - Expense Graphs

WMG3 Member
edited January 9 in Using the Spending Plan

Why is there no Spending Plan graph for Cable TV (set up as a Recurring item) while Auto-Gas (not set up as a Recurring Item) has a graph? The Cable TV expense transactions appear in the Transaction activity.

Transaction Activity

Auto - Gas (not set up as a Recurring Expense)

Love the program but I'm still learning!

Best Answers


  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @WMG3,

    Thanks for reaching out! From your screenshots, it looks like the category 'Cable TV' may not be allocating correctly. As it shows your average allocation is $0. If you create a new Planned Spending expense to track for 'Cable TV', does it now track correctly?

    Let us know!

    -Coach Jon

  • WMG3
    WMG3 Member

    Thanks, that helps me understand. However, I'd like to make a suggestion to make the Spending Plan Dashboard look more like an Income Statement. Everything isn't lined up perfectly, but you get the idea. I'm a retired CPA/CFO and just had to give my 2 cents.