First National Bank PA lost Simplify connection

jba122 Member

FNB of PA has lost connection for over a month now and I can’t get it back. I get FDP-108 code when trying to reconnect. What’s the status here?



  • Coach Kristina
    Coach Kristina Moderator admin

    Hello @jba122,

    I'm sorry to hear you're encountering this problem. A FDP-108 error typically means that some sort of end user action is required with the financial institution website. Have you logged into their website? If you have and you didn't get any prompts for what needs your attention, please try logging into the financial institution website using incognito mode or a different browser than usual.

    If the issue persists after that, then please verify these things:

    1. Are you normally prompted to verify your identity when logging into the financial institution website? If so, are you receiving those verification prompts when attempting to connect or update in Quicken Simplifi?
    2. Some financial institutions require you to acknowledge/accept terms prior to connecting 3rd party apps. Please make sure you have acknowledged/accepted terms if necessary.
    3. Do you need to create or update your security questions on the financial institution website?

    Please let me know how it goes!

    -Coach Kristina