First Command Command Center Still not Addable via Simplifi

Hello, there is a closed discussion on this same topic, but as it has not been resolved, I am looking to reopen and see if Simplifi can work on adding the correct log in address to log in to First Command Command Center. Logging into the command center occurs at:
This is NOT the AMS NetxInvestor account. It appears there is an issue coming from the fact that when you go to and click log in, now there are three options. Command Center is the one we need to log into in order to view our investments, and that is at the link provided above.
Let me know if you need further information, but I am hopeful that Quicken Simplifi can help to resolve this issue since we pay for the service.
Hello @Gettingerr,
Thanks for reaching out! From our side, I can see that you are receiving an FDP-105 error when trying to connect to First Command Financial Services since yesterday. Error code FDP-105 indicates that the specific bank is temporarily blocking us. This typically happens when the selected bank is performing server maintenance or is blocking third party aggregation to avoid site saturation. In most cases, customers can usually still log into their bank's website while receiving this error in the product.
This error is usually temporary. If the issue persists longer than 48 hours, be sure to let us know so we can investigate further!
-Coach Jon