Curious about Life Hub

I've been using Simplifi for a little over a year now and think it's great. I'm curious about the new product Life Hub, but find the FAQ over at rather sparse and dated. I understand the general idea and the fact it is only a web app for now. But how do you get your various documents into it? Does the Life Hub page include a scanner interface? Or are you simply uploading pre-existing scans/PDFs/pictures/etc.? If pre-existing, how are you controlling image quality? And once uploaded, if you need to retrieve a copy is that copy deemed to be a legal reproduction of the original document? Sorry for posting this in the Simplifi community, but it wouldn't let me create an account over there since Simplifi isn't one of the available choices to the question "which version of Quicken are you using?".
i am curious to learn more, too. I have documents in a fireproof safe, the problem is, I usually forget to lock it which may defeat its purpose. Having a backup copy in a convenient online place “seems smart,” but would I be just as well off backing up the documents to Microsoft one drive (which already went corrupt on me once) or Google Drive.
Rob Wilkens0 -
@Technomutt & @RobWilk, thanks for your interest in LifeHub!
We haven't done anything with LifeHub here in the Quicken Simplifi Community, so we're not too familiar with it. However, I can let both of you know that we are currently offering a free trial for new users! You will get a 3-month trial and then 50% off the first year. This would give both of you the opportunity to try it out!
Otherwise, I would suggest contacting Quicken Classic Support with your inquiries, as they will be able to best assist you. Although Quicken Simplifi links up to LifeHub, we have a dedicated LifeHub Support Team that is part of the Quicken Classic Support Team.
Let me know if either one of you wants the free trial, though! I can definitely help get you going in that regard.
-Coach Natalie
0 -
I may be interested in the free trial, but not ready to start until at least April.
Rob Wilkens1 -
I subscribed (bypassed the trial), I can see where this will be useful. Of course, I see it useful at it's current price ($1.99→3.99/month), if it goes up to more than the cost of a cloud storage account I might find it less useful, but i've been wrong before.
One strong suggestion: contact address street names should have 2 lines…. Example building or business name, then the address
Rob Wilkens1 -
Hi Natalie,
I like the sound of a free trial. Hope I'm not too late. Sign me up!
Joe (AKA: Technomutt)
0 -
@Technomutt, awesome! We got you signed up, so you can now go here and sign in and import your data:
If you need support, you will want to contact Quicken Classic Support and select the LifeHub option, or someone can transfer you to the LifeHub team. Lifehub Support is available Monday - Friday, 8-5 PST.
-Coach Natalie