Unable to sync with MidFirst Bank (FDP-107)

chadallen Member

As the title states, I am unable to sync my MidFirst account with Quicken Simplifi. The bank recently updated their online services portal, which I suspect may have something to do with the error.



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  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @chadallen,

    Thanks for reaching out! An FDP-107 error typically means a user may have chosen the wrong instance within Quicken Simplifi. Have you tried any other Midfirst Bank instance? Are you connecting for the first time or are you trying to connect existing accounts within Quicken Simplifi?

    Let us know how this goes!

    -Coach Jon

  • chadallen
    chadallen Member

    Hi @Coach Jon ,

    I appreciate the quick response.

    Yes, I have tried all other instances of MidFirst available for login, and unfortunately none of them were able to connect. And no, this is not my first time trying to log in: I had previously been able to with no issues.

    Given the timing with MidFirst's online user portal update, my theory is there may have been a back-end change in how MidFirst logs users in that somehow broke Quicken's connection process. Hopefully that's not the case, though.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @chadallen,

    Thanks for the reply. For the other instances, did you receive a different error code? I am not seeing an error code for you from our side, which is why I ask. What is the type of account you are trying to connect? If you select the account on the bank's website, are you redirected to another URL?

    -Coach Jon

  • chadallen
    chadallen Member

    To clarify, I had previously been logging in under the instance simply called "MidFirst Bank", which now gives me the code "FDP-107".

    When trying to log in through the instances of "MidFirst Trust Company", "Union Bank AZ", and "Community Bank of Arizona (Now MidFirst Bank)", I also receive "FDP-107". I've never used those accounts to log in before, though, so I'm unsure if they ever would have worked for me to begin with.

    For the instance named "MidFirst Bank - OK - Bu", I am unable to attempt logging in at all, as it requires a Company ID, which I don't have.

    The type of account is just their regular user account.

    And yes, since their update, MidFirst's online banking portal redirects to "https://banking.secure.midfirst.com/D1MIDFIRSTConsumer/#/Login".

    Previously, it would redirect to a page under the domain of "https://cibng.ibanking-services.com".

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @chadallen,

    Thank you! Cna you please answer the following question, so that we have a better idea of what is occurring here?

    1. Did the bank merge with any other banks?
    2. Has the bank made any website changes besides the URL redirect you mentioned?

    If you can also supply logs this would be beneficial:

    1. Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
    2. Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
    3. With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback.
    4. Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.

    -Coach Jon


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