Release 2.23.0 & 2.23.1

Coach Paco
Coach Paco Moderator admin
Hi all, 
Here are the issues and features that we were able to tackle with Release 2.23.0 and 2.23.1!

FIXED: Disconnecting a biller resulted in a 404 error. 
FIXED: The Projected Cash Flow graph doesn't show a dot for today. 
FIXED: The Projected Cash Flow graph gets into an empty cached state when updating transactions. 
FIXED: The tooltip for the Projected Cash Flow isn't showing transactions. 
FIXED: The line for the Projected Cash Flow tooltip doesn't line up with the Today marker line. 
FIXED: Firefox: The account selector shows rounded and squared corners. 
FIXED: The Upcoming Transactions carousel shows more transactions than the date range. 
FIXED: The Projected Cash Flow graph's today marker is set for the previous day. 
FIXED: In the Projected Cash Flow, income and bill reminder dots are not being displayed. 
FIXED: The Projected Cash flow graph amount is too high for the user's checking account. 
FIXED: Truncated navigation panel icons when modals are displayed. 
UPDATED: Removed 'categories and 'tags' columns from custom CSV.
UPDATED: The size of the dropdown above the Projected Cash Flow on the Transaction page. 

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