Release 3.0.0

Hi all, 
Here are the issues and features that we were able to tackle with Release 3.0! 

UPDATED: Spend from a Savings Goal feature added into Simplifi. 
UPDATED: Removed 'add goal' from the Spending Plan. 
UPDATED: Subtract "Goal Spent" from a Savings Goal on the Spending Plan. 
UPDATED: When a user clicks on the goal card in Savings Goals, the card is expanded to page view and shows goal details. 
UPDATED: When a user clicks on the dot on the Project Cash Flow graph, scroll upcoming cards to that date. 
UPDATED: UI updates for Saving Goals tab. 
FIXED: The Community menu item was missing from the Profile menu in Simplifi. 
FIXED: A tooltip not displayed when hovering over the last dot in the Projected Cash Flow graph. 
FIXED: The balance displayed in the Projected Cash Flow graph tooltip was being rounded. 
FIXED: If a user creates a goal then contributes 100% of it to " complete" it, the goal doesn't update until refreshed. 
FIXED: The tooltip on the Projected Cash Flow shows an incorrect date format. 
FIXED: Upcoming transaction cards are obscured by the scroll bar. 
FIXED: Today's Reminders are not being deducted from the Projected Balance on the Projected Cash Flow Chart. 
FIXED: Refunds not being displayed in the Projected Cash Flow graph. 
FIXED: Expense dialog modals contain a scroll bar when not required.
FIXED: The submit button is always active on the Edit Refund model. 
FIXED: The wrong icon for the Contribute to Goal model. 
FIXED: DIsplay issues with the Projected Cash Flow graph. 

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