Ability to Link multiple Transactions to a single Recurring Bill at one time (edited)

EODelf Member
edited November 2023 in Feature Requests

Currently when adding new accounts there is no way to add more than 1 transaction to an existing bill.

100 votes

Active · Last Updated



  • Donni
    Donni Member
    This would help me a lot as I often make multiple payments to my cc in a month based on usage & pay dates and as of now, only one payment is linked to the bill for that month and the others are just out there in limbo and I have to review my transactions each week to see what has been paid so I know how much to pay at the end of the month; otherwise, it looks like I underpaid my bill for the month.
  • SimplyB33
    SimplyB33 Member
    This would be helpful. Currently I have multiple bills woth different dates for things such as my car and rent which I split up my monthly payments. 
  • begoodman
    begoodman Member
    edited November 2021
    I have a few instances where I am making recurring payments to open lines of credit.
    To stabilize my cash flow and to reduce debt optimally, I have set up the recurring payments to be greater than the minimal amount due.
    So, for example, I set up a recurring payment for $100 per month.
    The current month, the minimum due is $50.00
    The bank takes my $100, creates a transaction in my account for the minimal payment of $50. My bank then creates another transaction to record the additional payment of $50.
    So, up to this point, payments have been made. Everything is square between me and my bank. 
    However, Simplifi does not recognize that this payment has been made. I get reminders that a payment is past due. Since I am very careful about this, I get a mild sense of panic, then frustration when this reminder is not correct. 
    Given this information, and to convince Simplifi that my recurring payment has been satisfied, I attempt to associate the recurring payment to the bank transactions (that are auto-downloaded from the bank.) I find that I cannot apply the two transactions to my recurring payment. <-- this is what I would like to have available.
    It was suggested that I do one of these things:
    Create manual transactions
    Create recurring payments that match the expected bank split of payments

    These don't necessarily work. 
    Creating a manual transaction means I cannot get a meaningful future cash flow report. This diminishes the value of Simplifi tremendously, since that is a major reason for me to use Simplifi.
    Creating recurring payments that match the bank's split of my payment is not a solution, since the principal changes every month (remember, this is a line of credit), which changes the amount of interest the bank calculates, meaning the minimal payment changes every month. Again, back to a manual transactions, which should not be necessary.
    I am fairly certain that I am not the only person who makes payments greater than a minimum and whose bank splits the payment into different transactions.
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Hello @begoodman,

    Thank you for posting your suggestion to the Community!

    I have gone ahead and turned this into an Idea post so that other Users can add their votes; please be sure to add your vote as well! :smile:

    -Coach Natalie
  • erinmcm1
    erinmcm1 Member ✭✭
    edited July 2022
    This takes a while per transaction and going back to historically update all of them will take forever.
  • grberkshier
    grberkshier Member
    edited April 2023

    This is an issue that is most likely only a problem for new users of Simplifi. I'm currently getting all of my accounts and data into the system properly, and there is one thing that I can't seem to do and it's very annoying.

    I have lots of monthly/quarterly/annual subscriptions to get properly named/categorized/assigned/cleared. I can easily create payee and category rules as I'm working on this, and I can select all and clear transactions. What I can't seem to do is mass assign a bunch of transactions that have the same payee and category to the same recurring bill series.

    If I search for "T-Mobile", for example, I can see every one of those monthly transactions if the name is set properly. I can then select all and edit to assign a payee, category, tag or note to all, but in order to assign any of these transactions to a recurring bill to add it to a series, I have to go into each separate transaction and do this manually for each one. This is absolutely frustrating and maddening. This creates a TON of front-end work to clean up for a new user. What could probably take a couple of hours has to take a couple of days because of this.

    I have so much work to do just to get my data properly setup. It would be wonderful if I had better ways to clean this all up without having to go into each one of my more than 5000 separate transactions to do this.

  • The "edit multiple transactions" modal is limited to Payee name, Category, Tags, and Notes. Please include a way to mark multiple transactions as linked to a recurring, or create a new one.

    When importing transactions or starting fresh, i need to mark every.single.recurring.individually. This is insane. Please fix.

  • John M
    John M Member

    yes please!

  • Please add this, manually linking each one is tedious

  • Very interested in this — I'm looking to migrate years of transaction history from Mint and it'll take hours and hours to link all the transactions to their appropriate recurrings, and understanding how my subscription expenses have developed over time is one of the biggest things I'd like to address in my day-to-day finances.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    So, this would be like a bulk-edit except the bulk edit action would be to link to a bill, am i understanding right?

    Rob Wilkens

  • Thank you for posting this idea! As a new user, I am feeling the same pain. Why can't I select multiple transactions and tie them to my recurring? I am doing this one by one :(

  • Please add this feature, this is really annoying to have to link them all by hand :(

  • +1 Please add a way to batch edit/assign txn to recurring series!

    I am a new user migrating 15 years of Mint data. Editing each transaction individually is not a reasonable workflow for importing my data.

  • I also need this feature. This seems to be an older duplicate of the more descriptive feature request here:

  • Any update on this? is there somekind of work around to enable this?

  • I also would use this feature a ton! For some reason when you create a new recurring bill it doesn't recognize the old transactions that match the exact amount and details. It is a huge chore to click each individual transaction. I want to select all and add them as a group to a recurring transaction.

  • Beltifi
    Beltifi Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023

    I would love this feature. Right now, the only way to link Recurring transactions coming from a Mint user is to do a one-by-one.

    The bulk edit needs to be a little bit more robust than what is currently. Especially when you want to hide or exclude transaction. It will be a nice feature to add to the bulk edit.

  • All the users migrating from Mint - me included- would love this !

  • billstidham
    billstidham Member

    I'm facing this issue right now too. Just setting up billing series and would like to have all my past payments included in the history of each series.

  • EL1234
    EL1234 Member ✭✭✭✭

    I'm not a new user and I would use this! Upvoted.

  • Veloz
    Veloz Member

    This is an essential feature, especially for new users doing first time setup!

  • Just moved over from Mint and this missing feature is annoying. Please consider and implement soon. Thanks!

  • Macd
    Macd Member

    +1 from me. Just came from Mint, but started fresh with a year's worth of data.

    Bulk edits are available for Reviewed, Payee name, Category, Tags, Note, and Exclusion.

    Please add To Recurring and make the feature complete! :-)

  • NoDough
    NoDough Member

    Same. Trying to switch from Mint and frustrated by several areas of the transition, including this. I hope Coach Natalie's team is growing along with the influx of Mint users and issues being identified here.

  • Pal
    Pal Member

    Plus one on this! There are two ways it could be done:

    1. Add recurring series to the "Edit multiple transactions" popup next to payee, categories, tags, etc for the selected transactions.

    2. Add a "Add transactions" button to the "Edit series" popup for a recurring series.

    Neither of the two should require any extensive coding.

    As it is now, there's no practical way to do this. Adding thousands of transactions manually one by one is not a realistic option.

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    Agreed. I want to see the history of my Netflix subscription or rent over the years by linking the transactions to the subscription/bill, for example. I do not want to go one by one using the transaction list.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • The import from MINT was very time consuming. I ended-up creating a file from MINT for history and starting my accounts new. I've lost all the history of the transactions. I plan on making files with the Simplifi start date-1 as the ending parameter. I'll be watching for more advances in the import process that I can use later. So I too would appreciate mass updates for transactions.

    I saw that there was a price break form moving from MINT to Simplifi. Now I cannot find that. I'd like to know more about that offer too.

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    The promotion that is running now for Mint promo pricing is 50% off. More details below.


    The import was time consuming for me, and I managed to get all my history (11K transactions across about 25 accounts) imported.

    I will like this request implemented so I can link historical payments to my recurring series without doing it one transaction at a time.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present