Add an option for "Select All" and "Select None" when using Filters (edited)

It would be nice to have an option to either select all or select none when filtering categories on the app. For example, if you do a spending report, you cannot exclude a single category without selecting all wanted categories individually. An easier way would be to select all categories and then deselect just the ones you do not want included.
I agree and would like to see a "Select All" and "Deselect All" option for report filters0
I'd like to be able to CHECK ALL boxes at the top of the list of categories, if for example, I'm in Reports > Total Spending > Filters > Categories — the reason this feature would be helpful is if you want to quickly (but temporarily) exclude a single large expense from your regular expenses. For example, I just paid for a new roof - of course, this isn't a normal expense for our household. So, I could filter my total spending by (a new) CHECK ALL button a the top, and then scroll down to uncheck a category which the new roof falls into. This would show all my normal lifestyle expenses, averages per month, etc. without the unusual and large expense of the new roof. This is easy to do on the website, but currently not possible on the mobile app.