Web Release 3.34.0

Coach Natalie
Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
Hello All,

Here are the issues and features that we were able to tackle with the 3.34.0 Web Release:

  • FIXED: 'Breakdown', 'Date range' & 'Total/Over time' buttons not working on all pages of Reports.
  • FIXED: "Something isn't right" message displayed in Spending Plan and on Spending Plan Dashboard card upon login.
  • FIXED: 'Unlink' option reappears and 403 error thrown when unlinking a transaction from a Recurring Series.
  • FIXED: When adding a manual account in the 'Add Another Account' modal, only the manual account is displayed.
  • FIXED: UI issue with 'Edit multiple transactions' modal. 
  • FIXED: Unable to use keyboard to select a Category.
  • FIXED: Watchlist graph redraws when changing the Payee/Category/Tag associated with the Watchlist.
  • UPDATED: Removed 'Current Net Worth' for the next milestone on Asset Accumulator Achievement, as it was displaying an inaccurate value. 
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Thank you!

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