Web Release 3.42.0

Coach Natalie
Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
Hello All,

Here are the issues and features that we were able to tackle with the 3.42.0 Web Release:
  • FIXED: When selecting an investment account from the Accounts List, the News Feed is not filtered to that account.
  • FIXED: 'Update' button does not enable when changing a transaction's visibility settings (Ignore from Reports and Ignore from Spending Plan) a second time.
  • FIXED: Unable to apply a Payee Rule to past transactions when creating the Rule from the transaction directly.
  • FIXED: Creating a Recurring Subscription Series from the Spending Plan creates a Recurring Bill Series instead. 
  • UPDATED: 'Fix It' flow for 390 errors. 
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Thank you!

-Coach Natalie

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