Mobile App: darker background color for top cards (edited)

simplij Member ✭✭✭✭
edited December 2021 in Feature Requests

This is purely subjective, but I'd prefer the top main cards to have darker background colors. The Banking one is perfect, but the others are a little too light, making the text a little harder to read than necessary.

1 votes

Completed · Last Updated

The top cards on the Mobile App have evolved over time, making them a lot easier to see!


  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @simplij This is the place to make your preferences known. Anyone else find those top panel summary cards too light in color to be readable? (Especially the green one with your Net Worth)

  • I might be wrong, but I believe Simplifi was build with Google's Material Design components which have built-in dark-mode color styles. All that to say, it might be low effort for them to have support for Dark-Mode.

    +1 for Dark Mode

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Hello @simplij,

    Thanks for the suggestion!

    Has this been implemented? I am not familiar with the Mobile App before moving over to Simplifi in August of last year, so I'm wondering if the top cards have been darkened over time, as requested.

    Please let me know, thank you! :smiley:

    Also, @gehernando, I'd suggest adding your vote here for Dark Mode -- :wink:

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

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