Mobile App: Allow "Banking" Dashboard tile to be hidden (edited)

I am in total agreement. Please make this customizable.
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I'm really enjoying the app so far. I like the customized dashboard where I can pick and choose what matters to me. I do not like that I'm forced to have the Accounts Summary show at the top "so that my money stays top of mind" however. This is a waste of space for me to see my account totals.
In addition, there's a horizontal rule line that appears above that widget, which serves no UI purpose and wastes space, and should be eliminated.
Otherwise keep up the great work!
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Agreed and you got my vote for this change on the mobile app. If I want to see my accounts, I can click on the accounts menu on the left.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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Came from Mint. Pleased so far. I too want to customize the top tile in the Dashboard. Specifically to change the order of the Account Summary tiles. I want to be able to set it to show Net Worth first instead of Banking. Please let us pick our desired order or default!
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I’m seeing that most of these notes are old… so I guess we cannot hide (or move) the Account Summary? I find it annoying that it is pinned to the top.
We’re using the app to manage our cashflow - not as a net worth calculator. Pinning the accounts overview to the top is SUCH a waste of real estate! It’s not relevant (or accurate) to how I’m using the app. Would love to hide it.
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PLEASE unpin the accounts summary! Constantly seeing negative numbers from all of my accounts (for credit cards) put together is extremely distracting. Less importantly it makes me feel like I’m failing at life and how my money is. I can’t see any good reason why this isn’t able to be moved like the rest of the dashboard. PLEASE allow this to be moved. I don’t need OR want it there. I’ve seen this put on the Reddit as well. PLEASE
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It's not letting me update this question but i mean specifically for the iPhone app!
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Second this. The ability to change the order is needed. Also, having the Net Worth tile as the first tile makes more sense than the Banking tile.
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I want it removed or an option to remove it as well. I don’t want that to come up screaming loud if I want to use the app in public. What the heck? The dashboard should be completely customizable. It may very well be why I leave Simplifi
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If it can also be done for Android, I'd appreciate it. Quite frequently, i find myself sitting somewhere public (or even sitting with family) and crowded, and I just bought something and want to log it in, but i don't want to advertise my net worth in large numbers readable from a distance (the smaller account numbers are more private).
Rob Wilkens0