Show the last Sync Date/Time and Status for connected accounts [edited] (13 Merged Votes)

RSKadish Member ✭✭✭✭
edited February 28 in Feature Requests


Since we don't need to manually update Simplifi like one does in Quicken for Windows (hooray!), a "Last Updated" date/time display would be useful. (I'm assuming here that Simplifi is using a "pull" model for data retrieval. If it uses a "push" model where transactions are getting pushed from the Financial Institutions in real-time, my idea would be irrelevant.)


  • Steve
164 votes

In Review · Last Updated

This Idea has been submitted for review!



  • hikerspath
    hikerspath Member ✭✭
    edited April 2021

    So had an issue with one of my accounts, and all I was able to see is 'Connected'. Would be super helpful to have maybe the last 4 digits/chars from the account so as to identify which it is (like it does when asking you about the accounts at the start). Would also be super helpful to have a last-sync date so that you could see when the last time it got data was? Then the final request would be to allow for a re-login / re-auth so that I don't have to delete the account and re-add it when something isn't working.

    macOS: 10.15.1
    iOS: 13.1.2
    AppVersion: 4.0

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @hikerspath That idea of adding the last 4 digit is a great suggestion! One way to work around it until we can get it implemented is to identify an account by the transactions you recognize, and then change the name (including the last 4, if you like) by clicking the "Edit" pencil on the Accounts tab. We'll also pass along your suggestion for a "last sync" date. Thanks for the feedback!

  • bowgy4
    bowgy4 Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2019

    Simplifi refreshes every time you log in or will report an error if it can't connect - I'm not sure where a "Last Updated" date fits in. Also, accounts can be re-authenticated when they they fail to log in without deleting. I like Coach Tappan's suggestion to add the last four digits to the name of the account if that info is desired - they made it super easy to edit account names as needed.

  • Coach Paco
    Coach Paco Moderator admin

    @bowgy4 A great suggestion from Coach Tappan!

  • SZR
    SZR Member ✭✭✭

    When adding accounts, Simplifi shows my ending account numbers when I choose what to sync.
    I see no way to view these later.

    Can we either add them to the transaction screen, or to the list of accounts in settings?

  • bleen
    bleen Member ✭✭
    This is particularly important when Simplifi is having issues (like to understand what might be going on. Are my balances wrong because they haven't been updated from the financial institution for some reason or should I be looking at a different problem? I look for this frequently to confirm that "its not updating" is not my problem
  • spiazza1
    spiazza1 Member ✭✭
    I would love this feature. Right now I'm manually RESETTING my checking account DAILY just to pull down transactions. Not ideal. Simplifi has not once notified me there was a problem syncing my accounts. Seems like the sync issue started around the same time they implemented the "reset" account feature.
    Steve Piazza
  • Mike T
    Mike T Member ✭✭✭✭
    Would be nice when I am viewing an account under the transactions menu, to show me the last date / time the account was updated (i.e. when was it last successfully synced with the bank). 

    It could be right below the balance at the top of the screen.
  • Zephas
    Zephas Member
    edited September 2021
    Simplifi does NOT tell you when it last connected and downloaded transactions from your accounts. Today most of my accounts were NOT current and missing transactions since the last day I used Simplifi. There is no user notification of a failure - or a log file to refer to. If Simplifi is to be relied on it needs to tell the user the last successful date/time it connected and downloaded so we know if it's current or not. This is a showstopper for me.
  • bobluck
    bobluck Member ✭✭✭
    Accounts should clearly display a timestamp for the last successful update.
  • kai4387
    kai4387 Member ✭✭✭✭
    Please show the account sync status somewhere.

    Having to look at the known issues article to find that one of my banks is blocking aggregation is not great. There is no indication that the syncing for the account had essentially stopped 2 months ago except for the missing transactions.
  • EL1234
    EL1234 Member ✭✭✭✭

    I think it'd be cool if when hovering over an account on the Accounts list, it stated the last date/time the account was successfully refreshed.

    Another good piece of info that you could add there would be the Balance - what it would show if I logged in to that bank, and the Balance plus or minus any pending transactions (I believe this is what's currently displayed in the sidebar, but sometimes it would be useful to see both). Thanks!

  • frankrizzo
    frankrizzo Member, Beta Tester ✭✭
    edited July 2023

    I'd like to see when the last successful download of my transactions for a particular account.

    I've mocked something up and attached it here.

  • This is an important feature to have so that we know that no accounts have gone stale.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    One way you'll know if accounts risk going stale, is that if the sync fails you'll usually see a mark ("!") next to the account name, and I believe there are other text indicators when an account failed to sync. Ir there are no failure markers, you should be good.

    Rob Wilkens

  • I agree, this would be a simple but important feature. I can't imagine this would be heard from a coding perspective, as the data of last sync and success or failure should be already stored.

  • I'd love to be able to see by account, when it was last refreshed/updated

    For example, for each credit card, checking account, etc, included text somewhere (maybe the settings → accounts area) that says when it was approximately last updated. Was it an hour ago, two hours ago, one day ago, two days ago, etc?

    This would be helpful for me to know if I'm working with the latest transaction data across all of my accounts (i've noticed that some of my accounts updates less frequently than others e.g., capital one). And it would also help me understand if there's a potential syncing issue.

  • Showing when an account was last refreshed/updated would be super helpful. There are always SO many red ! indicating failure, but I never know if it's 1 hr old or 1 month old. If you're going to have so many failures all the time, then knowing when the last success was is very important

  • ClaireD
    ClaireD Member ✭✭

    I am not sure if this is already requested somewhere…I couldn't find it. Please point me in the right direction if there's already a post for it.

    I would really like some indication as to when the most recent update of your accounts was. Mint and Empower (nee Personal Capital) both indicate next to the accounts when the last data refresh was. It's driving me a bit crazy not being sure. I find myself trying to do a lot of cross-validation by opening other apps to compare what transactions are in so I can tell if I'm looking at the most recent numbers. Which sort of defeats the purpose of aggregation.

  • I would like to see the last sync time of accounts. when I first load the app, it can take several minutes to update accounts and I don't know if I am looking at current data

  • It would be helpful to have a feature that shows the timing of the latest account refresh. I am transitioning from Mint, which has this feature. Each account listed in the home screen has the latest refresh timing is small type under the account name, e.g., "2 seconds ago" or "2 days ago". This tells me whether it is worth my while to review the information being presented.

  • ainchns
    ainchns Member

    Echoing what is said above, there needs to be a way to see when an account was last successfully synced. There are errors, some banks only allow one sync per 24 hours, or it takes several minutes to sync so you don't know if you're looking at new or old balances and data. This feature is a must (and it seems like an easy fix) or else you have to go checking separate bank apps to verify Simplifi is up to date. This defeats the entire purpose, please fix!

  • This is essential. Just slap the "last updated ## minutes/hours/days ago" label right under the bank name on the Settings>Accounts page. Should be feasible, no?

    Fidelity has been pulling some major shenanigans with bank feeds lately (shadily strong-arming aggregators into using AKOYA, their in-house solution that they get commissions for), and I need to keep a sharp eye on them so I can know if it's time to find another institution.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If that happens, account list viewing will require a lot of scrolling since there would be two lines for each account instead of one. If this happens make it optional.

    As it stands, as refreshes happen at most every 4-5 hours as long as you log in/refresh. If a refresh fails, you should immediately see a red exclamation point near the account, which doesn't take extra space on the screen.

    Rob Wilkens

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    I rather have this function added under Settings>Accounts to avoid excessive scrolling. I like seeing all my accounts on the left sidebar.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • CameronL
    CameronL Member
    edited December 2023

    Show the date and time that each account was last refreshed. I don’t see errors on my account but I have no way to know the last time it was refreshed (1 hour ago, 2 days ago, 1 week ago, etc.). Due to this I need to always go to each bank if I’m looking for a specific point in time balance to be accurate without needing to question it.

    It would be great if there can be a notice on the last time the account was refreshed with the ability to force a refresh.

    [Merged Post]

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2023

    There's an existing idea with 56 votes here - maybe add your vote or wait for it to be merged in:

    [removed link to merged thread]

    Rob Wilkens

  • Agree this would be so helpful. Mint has it and I found it invaluable.

  • gflare
    gflare Member

    As a new member, I was disappointed to have no idea when my account information was last synced.

    It's very important, because many financial institutions have specific blackout hours where they don't allow aggregators to sync, and others occasionally break the functionality off and on . For me, it's one of the top features that simplifi needs.

    To the simplifi staff, I know the business reason for 'not providing this visibility' - but this can be added to the settings/options - off by default. That will allow users to have this feature, while not adding visibility to the 'general userbase' .

  • Mike B
    Mike B Member

    It would be beneficial to show the last refresh time next to the accounts like we used to have in Mint.