Mobile Release 3.21.0
Coach Natalie
Administrator, Moderator admin
Hello All,
Here are the issues and features that we were able to tackle with the 3.21.0 Mobile Release:
Thank you!
Here are the issues and features that we were able to tackle with the 3.21.0 Mobile Release:
- FIXED: Wrong sign displayed when there is more income than spending for a Category in Other Spending.
- FIXED: Future months Spending Plan shows "Resolve outstanding items" banner in the Income after bills and saving section.
- FIXED: "Expected undefined" displayed for Savings Goals with no monthly contribution amount or target goal date.
- FIXED: Changing a Recurring Series frequency from Monthly to Yearly still shows as Monthly.
- FIXED: 'Bill' and 'Subscription' options not removed when creating a Recurring Income Series.
- FIXED: 'Delete' button for Recurring Series' is not red.
- FIXED: 'Delete' button for Refund Tracker is not red.
- FIXED: Incorrect status chip used for Savings Goals with no contributions that are past the target date.
- FIXED: Various errors and crashes.
- UPDATED: Positive (+) amounts in Other Spending bubbles.
- UPDATED: Custom Amount screen in Future month Other Spending.
- UPDATED: Average over x months in Future month Other Spending.
- UPDATED: Consistency with Web App's Getting Started flow.
- UPDATED: Add FI success screen in Getting Started flow.
- UPDATED: Recurring Income screen in Getting Started flow.
- UPDATED: Recurring Bill screen in Getting Started flow.
- UPDATED: Spinner screens in Getting Started flow.
- UPDATED: Scope Category dropdown on found Income and Bills screen to only show Income or Expense Categories respectively in Getting Started flow.
- ADDED: Ability to edit Income/Bill models in Getting Started flow.
Thank you!
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