Ability to Create Transaction Rules for Amounts and Accounts [edited] (7 Merged Vote)

Luis Member ✭✭
edited August 2022 in Feature Requests
As a user, I need to enhance Rules to support payee Keywords AND Amount of a transaction, so Simplifi can recognize transactions made through money sending tools such as Venmo.

Use Case: Money sending tools such as Venmo is used to pay monthly bills, I would like to setup rules where the amount of the payment (in addition to keyword) are used to rename the pay. For example, If keyword is Venmo and Amount = $140 Then set payee to Cleaning Service, vs. Venmo + $150 = Music Lesson.
282 votes

In Progress · Last Updated

Transaction Rules for Amounts and Accounts is underway!



  • MCHAMMER8292
    MCHAMMER8292 Member ✭✭
    edited September 2021
    It would be great if we could apply category rules based on amounts and payees. 
  • Rules for payees should allow other criteria besides Original payee name:

    i have several credit cards with the same bank, their payee text is always « thank you - mobile ». Insufficient to create a rule distinguishing between accounts. If I could use the info in the « account payed to », it would allow creating a rule that would rename the Payee in an useful manner.
  • WWi
    WWi Member ✭✭
    edited October 2021
    Being able to create rules based on amount (especially if it can also be based on payee) would be great. I’ve used this in Buxfer and Copilot to make it easier to categorize recurring payments made by check. 

    [removed] let’s you set a mini/max which also looks helpful
  • woodsy
    woodsy Member
    edited October 2021
    Yes! [removed] does this well. The kids monthly gymnastics fee is a recurring charge but the snack shop purchases are dining and one-off charges. 
  • I agree. I would like the option to categorize differently based on the account I am paying from. We have a main account plus discretionary spending accounts. 
  • barjohn
    barjohn Member ✭✭
    I am in need of expanded category rules to include account and amount.  The current rules are too simple as the banks and or other accounts frequently don't include actual payee in that field but use a generic value.
    JDNYUS Member
    I agree with this suggestion.  I generally pay the same 3 or 4 people using Venmo. If I could create a rule that applied to Venmo when the amount is X, or in the range of X  to Y, it would save me a ton of time reclassifying. 

    My other problem is with Amazon, from which I buy a ton, and it would be good if the app would somehow be able to identify the purchases rather than just say "amazon".   
  • Norm6257
    Norm6257 Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    Right now we have the ability to create renaming & categorization rules to transactions. I would like to have transaction amounts added to the rule conditions.

    Consider if I have two different bills from ATT - one for cell phone service for $100 and one for internet service for $50. I want to clearly and automatically identify them in transactions so for the renaming I would set "ATT Cell" and "ATT Internet" respectively. Likewise I would set for the categories "Utilities->Cell" and "Utilities->Internet" respectively.

    Right now I don't know of anyway to do that as any rules would apply the same criteria for both of the downloaded transactions.

    However, if I could add the transaction amount into the rule conditions then the automation could properly name and categorize the transactions.
  • Norm6257
    Norm6257 Member ✭✭✭✭
    I just posted this same request before I found this idea.  Yes, adding amount (or amount range) into the rule criteria would greatly help out automatic categorization.
  • Theo
    Theo Member
    I would also love to have additional flexibility with the rules including amounts for such transactions like Venmo transactions that are recurring and of set amounts to be able to organize them.
  • chelseacam21
    chelseacam21 Unconfirmed, Member
    Using the rules seems to be messing up my accounts and transaction categories. I have ALOT of accounts and money get transferred to different places and transactions might come from one account one month and another account the next. It would great if you could make a more detailed rule and include account, amount (but maybe have a range and specify a certain amount?). Also when you delete a rule does that mess things up? 
  • I would like to be able to create a rename rule based on keywords and amount. I have the same payee that charges different amounts for different services, i.e. Prime Video. One is a subscription, and one is on demand rentals. There is no way to distinguish them based solely on keywords, but the ability to add transaction amount to the rule would help.
  • I just went through a support chat on this same issue. Given how transactions are consolidated into different payment systems, this is a must have feature. How has this not been fixed since Sept of last year?
  • Murphybp2
    Murphybp2 Member ✭✭
  • I would like to see more criteria for auto assigning categories to transactions. ex: I buy gas and snacks at a gas station. Both transactions get assigned same category. Maybe add price filter. Above $20 = Gas Below = Fast Food.
  • ArthurD
    ArthurD Member
    Here's my issue. Both my business and personal checking accounts have the description "Deposit" when I make deposits at the bank. At some point I approved a suggested rule to mark "Deposit" transactions as Business Income, which then made ALL of my deposits categorized as Business Income for all of my accounts. This threw my actual business income way off in reports!

    I would like to have you add an "Apply to which Account?" option to the rules creation, where you can check a box to activate it and then choose which account from a drop-down to apply that rule to. (If the box for this is left unchecked, then the rule would apply to transactions in ALL accounts as the rules do now.)

    This way I would be able to mark all Business Checking "Deposit" transactions as Business Income and all Personal Checking "Deposit" transactions as Personal Income via rules. Having this ability to apply specific rules to specific accounts would be a HUGE improvement in automatically organizing downloaded transactions!
    Grace and peace,
    Arthur Dellea
    Dellea.biz Computer Services
  • For example, for my IRA account, I would like any instance of the word "Dividend" (under payee) to be categorized as "non-tax income", but for "Dividend" in my after-tax brokerage account to be categorized as "taxable income".  It would really help with filing taxes!
  • I would like this as well for tracking expenses as a couple and being able to separate this out by person (tag). I am assessing a budgeting tool and will not continue after trial if I can't separate our individual expenses.
  • atp
    atp Member
    I am new to Simplifi and also need this rule - I pay service providers monthly by PayPal or Venmo and would love to be able to automate those to things like tutoring, cleaning, etc.
  • Adamt
    Adamt Member
    It is critical that rules include an "account" attribute. Home Depot transactions are categorized as "maintenance" for a rental bank account, but "home repairs" for a personal bank account.  Venmo is "rent" for a rental account, but "personal income" for a non-business account. 
  • cbruff13
    cbruff13 Unconfirmed, Member

    I need this feature also, because I eat at the same place I work. My paycheck and Food are not handled correctly. I was willing to buy Quicken Deluxe but they said that you cannot edit from a mobile app as it would not save. This is a deal breaker for me. Please expand the Simplifi rules or build a Quicken Personal for mobile.

  • Xenevo
    Xenevo Member

    We have multiple morgages from jpmorgan chase with different amounts that Simplifi can not handle correctly.
    Please add amounts into rules.

  • I concur. For example, I have 2 automatic transfers set up in my bank, one from checking, one from savings. Different amounts for each. But my bank puts the same value for payee in both. It would be great to create a rule like: if payee == Funds transfer AND account == Checking AND amount == $200 then category = Foo.

  • ronR
    ronR Member

    Not sure if this is only a Chase Bank thing but we have multiple savings accounts, one for Rainy Day and one for Vacation. In the transaction details the rule see's the transaction detail the same regardless of which savings account it is going to. If I could use dollar amount to create a rule instead of transaction name that would give a better chance of categorizing the transaction when it comes in.

    The other thing frustrating about this type of transacation is that, by default, all transfers are ignored from reports and the spending plan. When reconciling our monthly transactions, I view these savings transfers as debits to our checking and need them to show up in the reports to quickly make sure that all our money is where it should be. It would be nice if I could switch off the visibility feature of transfers.

    Thank you! You've saved me so much time over the past year I thought I would try and save a little bit more. Keep up the good work!

  • It seems like a basic request, for a finance software, please enable money amounts in rules!

  • MikeB
    MikeB Member
    edited May 2023

    Related to the enhancement of transaction rules, I think a feature that allows reverting a transaction to its original (pre-transaction-rule) values would be useful. It could be added to the transaction list page - multi-select transactions and perform the action of reverting the selected transactions to the values received from the financial institution.

    Taking the transaction rule capability a step further, it would be great to have the ability to use some simple logic in transaction rules. For example: keyword1 AND keyword2 ; keyword1 AND NOT keyword2 ; account1 AND keyword1 AND (amount > 10 AND amount < 100)

  • Mbeitler1
    Mbeitler1 Member

    I would like to categorize every single charge from one account (credit card) automatically in the rules , currently only lets you do it by payee

  • Biff
    Biff Member

    Adding another vote to add rules by Account. Seems it should be simple enough.