Ability to select specific accounts to share or not with Space Sharing

pst Member ✭✭✭
edited February 2023 in Feature Requests
I should be able to select specific accounts and decide to share or not share them in  Spaces & Sharing.

Use case: I am the person in charge of our finances in my family and I handle both our family accounts as well as mine. When I share finances with the rest of the family, I want to be able to exclude my personal accounts
11 votes

In Review · Last Updated

This ability is being reviewed for Space Sharing!


  • ekv
    ekv Member

    Yes, I agree. I would really want this! It's almost a requirement for me moving forward. At a minimum, I would want to give access to all of the data…but "read-only" so they can see everything, but I know that nothing will be modified or changed.

  • I too need this feature. I manage the finances in my household and am concerned that my spouse could mess the accounts, because she isn’t very computer savvy.

  • Peedge
    Peedge Member

    As a newer user, I've already discovered that we need more options for sharing than what's currently available, with the ability to set the access ourselves for each of those we share with. I shared with my spouse and I have no issue with him having full access, but in some homes it might be important to limit access and there's no option to do that.

    Recently our financial advisor asked if they could review our current finances and not only is there NOT an option to share with more than 1 person, our financial person automatically gets FULL access which seems ridiculous, I'd like to limit him to View Only and not give him the power to accidentally screw up my transactions or worse, delete information. I can understand limiting the number of people we can share with, but sharing with 2 others should be the minimum rather than only 1 other person, and we need to be able to set their level of access.

    I can envision granting some sort of shared access to children or another family member as one gets older, as well. Which again, means we need sharing options expanded and refined beyond the current available options.

  • WatchWater
    WatchWater Member
    edited April 17

    I need to share access and/or create a sperate account for my spouse so that she can see and/or update information.

    1. "What is this transaction? What category is it?" — I ask her multiple times a month what an items category is.
    2. "I don't know look in the budget app (watch list) to see if we are over budget or not" —- but this requires my mobile phone SMS code thus she rarely logs in maybe 1 or 2 times a years logs.