Check Tracking
While I do not write to many checks I do find it frustrating that if I write one I can not have it deducted from my balance while it is outstanding. Would love a feature where I could input a check's information and then have it suggest a match when that transactions comes through.
@wholbrook you'll want to add your vote to this idea post…
[corrected linked post]
Spreadsheet user since forever.
Quicken Desktop user since 2014.
Quicken Simplifi user since 2021.0 -
Hello @wholbrook,
Thanks for posting to the Community!
@Flopbot provided you with an Idea post above requesting a column for check numbers. However, when I read your post, it sounds like you're looking for the ability to enter checks into Simplifi at the time you write them, and then have that transaction match to the bank downloaded transaction at the time of download.
If this is the case, you can totally do this in Simplifi currently! To manually enter a transaction, please follow the steps outlined in our Support Article here under the section titled “Add a Transaction”. You can do this at the time you write the check, and then, if the account is connected to the bank, once the check clears the bank and the transaction downloads into Simplifi, it should be matched to the manually entered transaction as long as the information is the same. I believe the transactions must also be within 2 weeks of each other, however, they can also be manually matched/merged if auto-matching doesn't take place.
While the manual transaction is sitting in Simplifi waiting for the check to clear the bank, as long as the transaction is ‘Pending’, it will be counted towards the balance being reported by your bank. This will allow you to know that the transaction is upcoming and what the balance will be including that transaction. For more details on how Simplifi calculates your balance, please see our Support Article here.
I hope this helps!
-Coach Natalie