Unable to connect to cfnc.org (North Carolina 529 plans)

sch8209 Unconfirmed, Member

Previously posted on Jan 4, 2023, but issue isn't resolved, though the error message has change. Now when I try to connect to cfnc.org (NC 529 plans) I get Error FDP-155.


Best Answer

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @sch8209,

    Thanks for confirming!

    Since you've never been able to connect to the financial institution in Simplifi, they are most likely not currently supported in Simplifi due to an indefinite block. In the case of a 155 error, we do recommend contacting the bank directly to help make them aware of the issue.

    Sorry for not having a better answer for you!

    -Coach Natalie


  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hello @sch8209,

    Thank you for posting to the Community regarding this issue, although I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing difficulties connecting to College Foundation of NC in Simplifi.

    To clarify, have you ever had this account connected in Simplifi, or have your attempts to add it always resulted in a 155 error? A 155 error indicates that the bank is blocking us and may not be available to connect to for an indefinite timeframe. I am able to replicate the 155 error from my end, so this is most likely the case, however, we need to have a better understanding of whether you've had this account connected in Simplifi prior to know how to proceed.

    Please let us know so we can best assist!

    -Coach Natalie

  • sch8209
    sch8209 Unconfirmed, Member
This discussion has been closed.