Narrow down Watchlists with multiple Tags using AND based filtering (edited)

It would be nice to have the option to create a watchlist where I can specify multiple tags and it returns only the transactions that have ALL of those tags (so, tag1 AND tag2). Currently, watchlists return all transactions that have ANY of the tags specified (i.e., tag1 OR tag2).
My current workaround is to create a third tag, like "tag1_tag2," and create a watchlist on that, but having this narrowing functionality would give me more flexibility to easily analyze more combinations of tags (and eliminate the need for workaround tags).
(…and I'm sure there are other areas in this app where this kind of functionality could be useful)
I would like this feature too. Thanks
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I just realized the title say "watchlists" but I would like the "and" function to work in Reports as well. @Joey K
@Coach Jon to create a request for both Watchlist and Reports, does another request feature need to be opened, one for Watchlist, this post and one for Reports.
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@Max1223, to clarify, are you using the search function or the filter function? You should be able to filter a Report by multiple tags by using Filters > Tags. It seems to me that this request is specific to how Watchlists work, so I'm trying to get a clearer understanding of what you're trying to accomplish in Reports and what you're currently seeing. It may help to have you post screenshots of an example to your other thread so we can get a clearer picture:
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Yes, I was requesting specific to Reports.
I create a Report using 2 tags, Business Expenses and Tax Related. The report returns everything that has either Business Expenses or Tax Related. I am looking for a report that would come back with ONLY Business Expenses AND Tax Related transactions. Where this is helpful is that I use "Tax Related" on other things beyond "Business Expenses" and I have some Business Expenses that aren't Tax Related, so the when selecting both, I get everything.
Here are some other examples of combinations.
Tax Related and Dentist or Medical or Doctors
Tax Related and Property
Tax Related and Office rent
Tax Related and Business expensesIf I just search using Tax Related, I get the entire list of Tax related tags, which is great to have available to see total spend or income for that matter.
I do have Categories for some of the examples, but not all my medical categories are Tax Related. I'm using tags to help create reports for end of year tax analysis.
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@Max1223, thanks for the explanation!
I think I understand — is it because you're using those tags on transactions that aren't both or exclusively business expenses and tax-related? If so, I think this may be the request you actually need:
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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@Coach Natalie Thanks for sending this link. Yes, it's what I am looking for as well. I've upvoted.