Mobile Release 4.4.0

Coach Natalie
Administrator, Moderator admin
Hello All,
Here are the issues and features we were able to tackle with the 4.4.0 Mobile Release:
- FIXED: 'Connect Biller' header is mislabeled as "Add Account".
- FIXED: Able to link a connected account to a closed manual account.
- FIXED: Unable to create a new Category when deleting and reassigning existing transactions.
- FIXED: Unable to create a Recurring Series for a $0.00 amount.
- FIXED: Net Worth Report amounts not matching the Accounts List.
- FIXED: The Accounts List headers for 'Property' and 'Loans' to "Assets" and "Liabilities".
- FIXED: Inconsistent balance between Web and Mobile for closed investment accounts in Investments > Balances.
- FIXED: Account names for closed accounts should match the Accounts List on the Investment pages.
- FIXED: Editing the amount of a Linked Transfer Reminder does not update the amount on the other side.
- FIXED: Able to create a Recurring Transfer Series to a loan account, from a loan account, and from an investment account.
- FIXED: Mobile does not show upcoming transactions for credit card accounts.
- FIXED: Keypad minimizes on every type of a letter while doing a search in Settings > Categories.
- FIXED: Other minor issues that were identified after the v4.0.0 upgrade.
- FIXED: Various errors and crashes.
- UPDATED: Expanded the touch targets for the back button and the add button.
- UPDATED: 'Average' text displayed in Recurring Series to include the number of months.
- UPDATED: Implemented a sort order for the Planned Spending page to be listed alphabetically.
- ADDED: Ability to ignore a transaction from the Spending Plan without also having to ignore it from Reports.
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Thank you!
-Coach Natalie
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