Can pending transaction categories not be changed?
Can categories not be changed permanently before a transaction has cleared?
I linked a Fidelity and USAA account for transfers. The two small deposits came in from USAA and were categorized as Paycheck. The outflow was categorized as Water. I changed all three to Uncategorized. Later that day they reverted back making me think I did not actually make the change. I changed them again and today they are back to Paycheck and Water.
Is this something to do with the Uncategorized category or something to do with the fact that they are still pending?
Best Answer
I think it was just a glitch. I just changed some of mine to uncategorized. Best practices is to categorize, however. I usually do these small linking transactions as transfers. That way they are ignored by reports. You can just do Transfer. There is no need to give a "from" account.
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