Loan Depot FDP-155 error (edited)

Brewster Member
edited November 2023 in Adding and Updating Accounts

My mortgage provider, Loan Depot, is not able to be added to Simplifi. Can I request they be added?



  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @Brewster, thanks for reaching out on this!

    Sadly, I believe Loan Depot is part of our ongoing issue with multiple mortgage providers. The 155 error that I'm seeing when viewing your connection attempts from our end confirms it, as a 155 error is typically a permanent block. If I remember correctly, the issue has to do with the bank's service provider, however, I'd definitely recommend contacting them directly anyway to help make them aware of the issue.

    Sorry for not having better news for you!

    -Coach Natalie

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