"Request-body-field-unsupported" error with E*Trade

System Administrator admin
edited December 2023 in Adding and Updating Accounts

This discussion was created from comments split from:

"Request-Body-Field-Unsupported" care code with Venmo (edited)




  • Chris B
    Chris B Member

    Just to register this, I am also getting this same message after changing my E-trade account password. I then went to update Simplifi and now get this message. I realized I had an "&" character in my new E-trade account password and I found where SImplifi doesn't like that, so I changed it again so there is no characters that Simplifi says I shouldn't have, and I still get the same error message. I will try to update again in a few days.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    edited October 2023

    @Chris B, thanks for reaching out!

    I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues connecting to E*Trade in Quicken Simplifi. I'm viewing your connection attempts from our end and I'm seeing a variety of errors/messages. Let's go ahead and give the following steps a try:

    1. Make the account completely manual by following the steps here.
    2. Go through the Add Account flow in Simplifi and try all three of the E*Trade options that are listed with the URL of us.etrade.com (screenshot below).
    3. If any of the options is successful and presents your account, it's imperative that you carefully link it to your existing Simplifi account by following the steps here.

    Please let us know how it goes!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • Chris B
    Chris B Member

    Thanks for the info. When I got back to this today (after being distracted by my Venmo account not connecting), it seems to have corrected itself and I think is working. But thanks so much for getting back to this. I REALLY do appreciate that, and will keep this in mind if it happens again.

This discussion has been closed.