Watchlist monthly total incorrect

I have a watchlist called grocery. The October total says 677 but the actual total of the transactions listed for October is just 531. I had a similar issue before which got fixed during your big update but looks like it is back now
another watchlist called shopping also had incorrect total
it looks the totals get screwed up when there is a refund transaction in the list as I have a 3rd watchlist called eating out which has an accurate total
@Arun, thanks for reaching out!
To clarify, is the refund in question a Refund Reminder created from the Refund Tracker, or an actual refund (income) transaction? If the former, since Watchlists include Upcoming Reminders in the calculations, it looks like Refund Reminders would also be included. If the latter, even if the transaction is an income transaction, as long as it's using the Expense Category that the Watchlist is set up for, it will be included. I just tested both of these scenarios and am seeing that this is expected behavior.
With that said, I'd suggest checking out this existing request:
I hope this helps, but please let us know if you have any further questions!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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okay makes sense, added my vote to the above idea. You can close this thread. Thanks