Add UBS Mortgage

The website is UBS loanadministration(.)com
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@JWV, thanks for posting!
Have you tried the "UBS Bank - USA" option that's listed in Quicken Simplifi, by chance? If so, what happens that's preventing you from connecting?
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Thanks for responding. That doesn’t work. For some reasons, UBS Mortgages are not part of their website but instead through this website:
Looks like the is a service provider for UBS Mortgages!?!
Thanks, Joel.
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Hi @Coach Natalie, any word on this? I’m really trying to life Simplifi after MINT.
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Agree! Please add UBS Loan / Mortgage for automation
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Can we PLEASE add the UBS Loan Mortgage? We have been asking for nearly a year now.
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This remains a request that never seems to be addressed. Worked on Mint but never on Simplifi. 😒