Want to see account details such as balance and interest rate for debt pay off (edited)
Is there a view view/report that gives a recommendation on how to pay off your debt? For example, let's say you get a one-time $10k bonus at work. Is there a view that shows you the recommended order, based on your interest rate, in which to apply that to your debt?
Best Answer
What I do, @WolfieGirl , is edit the account names to include the interest rates, this way on the dashboard where i see the account list I see my balance and interest rates.
I am one of 9 votes to have Quicken Simplifi track interest rates:
Rob Wilkens3
Hi @WolfieGirl
Sorry to say, but automated debt payoff "what-if" capabilities are not available in Simplifi at this time.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer0 -
@DannyB Hi Danny. Seems there’s some confusion as that’s not actually what I’m looking for. Just hoping for a list of my accounts showing account details such as balance and interest rate. Nothing what-if or automated. Just a simple excel-like table view with the info of my accounts so that I can then use that to figure out my own payoff plan. The system has the info, just trying to find a view of it and avoid the manual process of logging into each account to get the info whenever I need it.
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@RobWilk Thanks for the suggestion! I'll do that so at least I have it at a quick glance. Appreciate the reply. Adding my vote for it as well. The info is available and helpful, an easy "report" to provide, so hopefully they agree.