College Ave Student Loans returning 102 error
This started happening a couple of weeks ago. No matter how many times per day or what time of day I try I get this result now. Is this a known issue? Are others having this issue? I haven't made any recent changes on my end in Simplifi. I do note that the URL listed for this in Simplifi ( is not that same as the one that I use to directly log into my account ( I am not sure if that has anything to do with anything, but figured it is worth a mention.
Best Answer
@jhart23, thanks for posting!
It looks like College Ave Student Loans is at 100% failure right now and this is a known issue. We don't have enough users experiencing the issue to put up an Alert as of yet, so I'd suggest just continuing to try every so often for now.
Sorry for not having a better answer, but I hope this helps!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie