Increase the Time Range on Projected Cash Flow Chart [edited] (6 Merged Votes)

It would be great if the projected balance was increased to show 7 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 6 months, 12 months.
@mazar1977 This is Coach Tappan. I've just checked the Calendar View for my checking account in Simplifi. To the right of the header that says "Upcoming," there's a blue button marked "30 days." When I click that button it expands to show other ranges: 7 days, 14 days, 45 days, and 60 days. (I've added a screen capture below to show what I'm talking about.) Is that the function you're looking for? If so, we'd be happy to recommend adding the longer date ranges you suggested to our development team. Thanks for the suggestion, and welcome to Simplifi!
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Yes, I see that... I was just meaning to add 90 days, 6 months and 12 months.
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Got it! Thanks again for the feedback!
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The reason I'm switched over from MINT, besides the fact I can import and rename/remove categorizes, is the amazing PROJECTION feature. No other product I've tried has this. I can calculate, down to the penny (provided I stick on my budget) exactly how much $$ I'll have in my account once the bills come out. Considering we're on the last step of paying our house off (next June) I'd LOVE to see how much our account is going to grow once that awful mortgage payment is gone. Please add an option for 1 year; maybe two. I'd stare at it all day! Thanks!
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Hello @mljshield3,
Thanks for posting this to the Community!
I have gone ahead and turned this into an Idea post so that other Users can vote on it. Please be sure to add your vote as well!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Ok. New here, where can I go to vote?
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@mljshield3 You'll see a blue box under your original post with a small box with a number and up and down arrows. Just click on the up arrow to vote this up. Great idea. It will be great when Simplifi has better investment tracking and this can start to be used for "if this then that" planning to see effects on retirement, net worth, etc.
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I would love to be able to see more than 6 months out- maybe to 1 year out. I have some less frequent expenses and income that won't always show in the 6 month window.0
I agree about extending the time frame. I like to plan to the end of the year. Not realizing you couldn't, I recently added a one-time bill for November that I would like to edit, but it just "disappeared"- I guess I won't be able to see it for another month or so.0
I would like to see this feature as well. Maybe even past a year, and fully configurable to an arbitrary end date or number of years.
Before using Simplifi, I built and maintained a personal finance app of my own with Python/SQLite, but life priorities shelved that for now. It had a forecasting feature as well, but was highly configurable.
From my experience with it, I found that there are insights you don't get until you forecast way out and that it is important to let the user decide when to stop the forecast.
It can be really helpful for those big life purchases, like a house, and see just how sustainable your income and expenses are over that long period. You might come to find that renting will cost you three times what a house purchase would be over 30 years. Or, that to afford a certain lifestyle, you really need to get a new job paying big bucks. But, you won't see the crunch in your cash flow until a few years out because you've eaten into your savings. Keeping an eye on the long term is just as important as the short term. This app is well positioned to capitalize on that. Especially considering that end dates can be set on scheduled transactions.
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Hello. I just switched from Quicken because Simplifi has the cash forecasting feature and as mljshield3 pointed out, is the only one I know of that does it. However, I sorely miss the 12 month forecast that I had in Quicken. Other than that, I love how it is web only and a great mobile app.2
I want to view and edit transactions I've scheduled that are more than 6 months from today? Can you remove the 6 month limitation? Why put a 6-month limit when the software is designed to help people plan their finances carefully?
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6 months is nice, but I think a minimum of a year would be ideal! This is by far the killer feature for the app.1
Hi, just checking in. I love the product. Is there an ETA on longer date ranges for projected cash flow?0
Hello @LavenderAndRoses,
Thanks for reaching out and sharing your feedback!
Sadly, there is no further update to provide on this request as of yet. As soon as any news becomes available, we'll be sure to update this Idea post accordingly.
Please be sure to follow along here for future updates!
-Coach Natalie-Coach Natalie
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I would like to see further into the future than 6 months1
Here is my vote for the 12 month projection.
I'm in a situation where:
- in a 6 months window it looks terible.
- but just a bit more it all catches back up.2 -
I would also like to see the projected time period extended to be at least 1 year. 2 years would be even better.
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It would be great to have the ability to select 9 months and 1 year for the projected cash flow. Or even better, just select from/to dates.
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Ability to see more than 6 months of "Projected Cash Flow". At least 1 year, ideally up to 3 years would be helpful for planning purposes. Thanks
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I think 12 months makes the most sense - to match with the fact that you can see spending plan 12 months ahead. If you have all the data you need for a 12 month spending plan view, then you have everything you need to extend the cash flow view to 12! Most of us have some sort of bills/spending that only happens once or twice a year. As an example, I have one big annual insurance payment (rather than monthly), and my kids college tuition typically comes in two big bills at the beginning of Fall and Spring semesters. The ability to see the cash picture far enough ahead to plan for that would be a big plus. Thanks!
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12 months should certainly be available. and likely not a huge undertaking for the developers to add additional script for. Plus, this will then match it up to Quicken Classic, which allows 12 months. I switched from classic to simplifi and was surprised to see they only offered up to 6 months out. 12 months at minimum seems reasonable.
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Another vote for 12 months please!
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i vote for 12 months or open ended
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This is great news, thanks!
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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Finally, this is good for those still here and those who will come. Waiting for this was one of the reasons we left to go back to multi-year projection spreadsheets. I am glad to see user demand interest in daily cash flow projections! They really are key, pre-spending every dollar out a year and further is the only sure way for households to survive and meet goals that have timelines on the order of years and decades. Cash flow is king, retrospective spend analysis only tells you what not to do, budgets only tell you what to do now, only pre-spent cash flow shows what is to come and how unexpected things can affect budgets and long range goals. Promote this feature widely and you will find large pockets of personal finance wonks to spread the word for you. And think about making it multi-year!!!
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Any eta on when the 12 month projected cash flow will be implemented?
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what program is this?
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I see this implemented in early access and use it on the account transaction list (for my checking account) and the bill area for multiple accounts.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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Yes, the 12-month view is live in Early Access! This option is available in both Projected Cash Flow and Bills & Payments.
Here is our announcement!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie