Texas County & District Retd FDP-105 error (edited)

HealsBadMan Member

Hello, I have been trying to add my TCDRS retirement for about a month now, I keep getting a 105 error which seems to come up no matter what time of day I try, the website is listed as an account I can add so I am not sure why it has been so much trouble



  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @HealsBadMan, thanks for reaching out to the Community!

    It looks like this issue was already escalated for you from an interaction you had with our Chat Support Team, and that escalation came back stating that this is a known issue with no ETA on a resolution. I'd suggest just continuing to try every so often for now.

    Sorry for not having better news, but I hope this helps!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • @Coach Natalie I suggest you all should remove the TCDRS account from being able to try and be added if you can't really add it, that seems silly.

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