Converting from Mint

Richter05 Member
edited January 2024 in Troubleshooting

Ok. So I was on Mint, I converted to Credit Karma. I hate Karma. Does not have the reports I want. I want to check out your simplifi offer for 1 year free but here are my issues!

  1. I add an account and it just clocks and clocks. Says Securing connection and never comes back, I tried Chase, Etrade, Fidelity and all did the same.
  2. I tried to talk to support which is supposedly 7 days, but got a message saying closed.
  3. I tried chat, which says 3min response, never came back,
  4. I go to Mint, but I can't download trasactions by account bc my mint account was moved to karma. Download just gives me a full list and Simplifi wants it account by account.
  5. I am at a loss what to do next. Can you please give me the 1 year to evaluate it and explain to me why its not working for me!




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  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Can't speak to Etrade and Fidelity, but i know on the weekends (or late evenings/early mornings) the Chase connection does not download new transactions…. This was Chase's implemention and there's nothing Quicken Simplifi's staff can do about it.

    Rob Wilkens

  • Coach Kristina
    Coach Kristina Moderator admin

    Hello @Richter05,

    Are you encountering these issues on the Web App, the Mobile App, or both? If you encountered these issues on the Web App, which web browser are you using?

    What method did you use when trying to reach out to Simplifi Support? This link gives information on how to contact Support.

    You mentioned an issue adding accounts. Is this affecting every account you attempt to add, regardless of which financial institution it is with, or are only certain financial institutions not connecting?

    Since you mentioned reports as an important factor, you may find this link useful (web app) and this link (mobile app) helpful.

    You may also find this link useful for general information about getting started using Simplifi.

    For importing information from Mint, you may find this link useful.

    I look forward to your reply!

    -Coach Kristina

  • Richter05
    Richter05 Member
    edited December 2023

    I got it to work, not sure why it wasn't working but I still have issues.

    I can't get Mint to download the transactions needed, which I don't care about, I would setup everything new in Simplifi if it worked for me. I still don't see the 1 report I need which is a export of Account Name and balance to do a monthly roll forward.

    So I will be canceling simplifi and using [removed].

  • It was the web version

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