Reports using Tags bug or unexpected behavior

Max1223 Member ✭✭✭✭
edited December 2023 in Report a Bug


In Reports, I have Filtered a report with 3 tags, but a 4th shows up. This seems to be a bug. The reason the 4th shows up is because one of the selected 3 has an additional tag in the transaction, so the 4th shows because of that. Example:

  • Tag 1: Person A
  • Tag 2: Person B
  • Tag 3: Person C
  • Tag 4: is a combination of Person A and Tax Related used in several transactions

My expectations are that if I filter for 3 tags, that's all that should show up. The 4th seems unexpected. In a 3 month view over time, Tax Related, breakdown by Tag (tag 4) shows as separate bars and to see totals for Person A, I need to manually add up Tag 1 and 4 to get the total of Person A's amounts.

Here is the Bug, in a 3 month view, Over Time (breakdown by Tag):

  • Tag 4 shows up as separate bars but only as Tax Related, ok BUT
  • Tag 1/Person A who was tagged in the Transaction combined with Tax Related, does NOT show up in those expenses. It seems that quicken is creating separate bars/amounts for each individual tag. Again, if I filter for 3, but get more, that doesn't seem right.
  • FYI some transaction actually have 3 or more tags, but the other tags don't show up at all in the bars.




  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @Max1223, thanks for reaching out!

    Please provide more details, such as:

    • What specific Report are you running?
    • Are you using the Quicken Simplifi Web App, the Mobile App, or both?
    • Is "Tag 4" from your description above an individual Tag, or are you using 2 Tags on those transaction(s)? If the latter, what specific Tags are you using for the transaction(s)?
    • What specific Tags do you have the Report filtered to?
    • Some screenshots of what you're seeing would provide a lot of insight as well.

    We look forward to your reply!

    -Coach Natalie

  • Max1223
    Max1223 Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Coach Natalie i left a comment with images, wondering if that did not make it through?

  • Max1223
    Max1223 Member ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Coach Natalie

    Thanks for the reply, see below.

    My original goal of filtering by Tag in Reports was to see expenses across 3 people over time, either at large or within selected Categories.

    What specific Report are you running? I run a regular Report. Filter 3 specific Tags (names of 3 people), Breakdown by Tag

    view bars over time

    What specific Tags do you have the Report filtered to? Names of 3 different people.

    Are you using the Quicken Simplifi Web App, the Mobile App, or both? Using Web App

    Is "Tag 4" from your description above an individual Tag, or are you using 2 Tags on those transaction(s)? If the latter, what specific Tags are you using for the transaction(s)? After selecting 3 people Tags in the filter, 4 bars show up. the light blue is the unexpected tag as I didnt select it in the filter. When I look at the transactions, it seems to be there because the transaction has multiple tags, one of my selected people Tags and the 4th, "Tax Related", that I did not select.

    You'll see in prior months, Tax Related is showing up, which is accurate as it shares a tag, but does not show up as one of people tags. It shows as Tax Related. The reason the blue, green and orange are not showing up is because i have not gone backwards to add those tags in November. I'm coming from Mint, so I'm back filling some, not all, of the data.

    Because of the multiple tags in a given transaction, one of 3 people plus Tax Related, the totals are spread out across the tags, so that definitely makes the results unusable as totals are spread out across the 4 Tags.

    FYI when I add a category filter that does NOT include the Tax Related tag, I get the expected results, I see 3 names (tags) with bars. So the unexpected result again is seeing the additional bars that are NOT my selected filter of the 3 names. Note that in further experiments, if the transaction has additional Tags, Quicken with pick those up and bring back results with as many multiple tags applied to the transaction.

    thanks for your help.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @Max1223, thanks for posting back with additional details!

    I was able to replicate this issue and have gotten it reported. I'll be sure to let you know as soon as an update is received.

    -Coach Natalie
