Fixing Wells Fargo Update Problems in Simplifi and Quicken

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WF helped me today to reset my online connections and that fixed the update issue I was having with Simplifi. Here are the crude directions.
- Open a Browser.
- In the address bar type the following:
- Login using your WF credentials.
- Select where and how you want WF to send the 2-Step Code.
- When you get the call or text with the code, enter that code in the box WF provided for the code.
- WF will then open a page with a single blue button that says, "OK," and it asks you something like, do you want to reset your online connection, click "OK."
- After you click OK it takes you back to the Thank You for Visiting page.
- Next, go back to Simplifi and hit refresh and let Simplifi update. The red exclamation points should disappear, and after a few minutes, depending on your internet speed, your WF account should update.
Hopefully, that will be helpful to you if you use Wells Fargo Bank, Simplifi, and Quicken
Thanks for posting this. It helped me fix my Wells Fargo Bank connection yesterday. This should be posted in the standard help area.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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