Inquiry about Debt Reduction Planner in Quicken Simplifi

ADzurka Member
edited February 2024 in Troubleshooting

I am a long-time Quicken Classic user who recently transitioned to Quicken Simplifi. In the classic version, I frequently utilized the Debt Reduction Planner under the planning section.

However, I am currently having difficulty locating the Debt Reduction Planner in Quicken Simplifi. Could you please provide guidance on how to access this feature in the Simplifi platform? I value the functionality of the Debt Reduction Planner and would appreciate any assistance or information you can provide regarding its availability and usage in Quicken Simplifi.

Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to your prompt response.


  • Flopbot
    Flopbot Superuser, Beta Tester ✭✭✭✭✭

    @ADzurka ,

    You may have already figured this out by now, but this feature doesn't exist yet in Quicken Simplifi. You might be able to find an "Idea Post" that you could vote on to show you're approval by searching for "Debt Reduction Calculator/Planner/Feature" in this forum. That's the best way to get Quicken to consider new features…by voting up Idea Posts that you care about.

    Spreadsheet user since forever.
    Quicken Desktop user since 2014.
    Quicken Simplifi user since 2021.

  • ADzurka
    ADzurka Member

    Thanks Chris, this is a game changer for me to get off of Quicken Classic.

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