Unable to change password on Amex connection

Joe Videoguy
Joe Videoguy Member
edited February 2024 in Adding and Updating Accounts

I linked two credit cards at amex to Simplifi. Then changed password on Amex account from Amex web site. I was trying to change password for Amex connection on Simplifi account panel for Amex connection. The only option to accomplish it is to reset the connection. I did and went through the whole signin process with new password. It brought two credit cards again and added them as new cards. Plus they were marked as disconnected even though everything went fine. Then I deleted the Amex connection completely and tried to add it again. Now after amex signin popup closes after successful authentication, the Simplifi web popup that launched the signin popup errs out. Now I don't see a way to add that bank. I will wait and give it a try later.

It doesn't make sense to go through this process just to update password on a connection.

Wondering what I am missing.



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