Missing one transaction - Maybe its in the future?

I am missing one transaction marked in one of my accounts. The balance is correct so Im wondering if I accidentally changed the date into the future. I think thats happened to me before in the ios app on accident. I cant seem to figure how to view into the future though. Whats the best way to see every single transaction regardless of when they occurred for an account
Best Answers
@Steve89, you can also go to the Bills & Payments section to locate Reminders/future-dated transactions further out than 6 months.
We have a support article here with some additional steps for troubleshooting missing transactions:
If you still can't locate the missing transaction, you can always manually enter it:
As Rob mentioned, the balance for connected accounts will match the bank regardless of the transactions listed in the account, but manually entering the transaction will at least allow you to properly account for your income/expenses for the month.
Our support article here goes over how balances work in Quicken Simplifi:
Let us know what you end up doing!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Hi, I found a future dated transaction of my own by scrolling down the spending plan to future months. I entered 12/23/2024 by mistake instead of 12/23/2023.
Maybe your transaction can be located in the same way?
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
Try going to the affected account and see if the future transaction is listed in one of the squares under the projected cash flow chart.
The chart goes out up to six months into the future.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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Hm not showing up still unfortunately
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Your balance shown is always based on 'bank balance' and applying (if not already applied) pending/manual (uncleared) transactions on top of that. So even if you miss a transaction that is cleared, your balance should be correct.,
Rob Wilkens0