Mobile Releases 4.16.0 & 4.16.1

Coach Natalie
Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

Hello All,

Here are the issues and features we were able to tackle with the 4.16.0 and 4.16.1 Mobile Releases:

  • FIXED: The Edit Planned Spending modal displays an incorrect amount in certain circumstances.
  • FIXED: Planned Spending progress bar labels/colors are backward.
  • FIXED: Transactions excluded from the Spending Plan are not listed in Planned Spending registers.
  • FIXED: 'Recent Spending' and 'Bills & Payments' are overlapping on the Dashboard.
  • FIXED: Savings and Net Worth Report history shows "$0" during times when accounts did not exist when they should show "Null".
  • FIXED: Editing a Category Rule does not show the transaction data limit filter.
  • FIXED: Loan Transactions from a connected account are displayed in "All Transactions".
  • FIXED: Planned Spending and Available are the same color.
  • FIXED: Various errors and crashes.
  • UPDATED: Design changes made to the 'Notes' field of transactions.
  • UPDATED: The color of the Account Visibility icons.

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Thank you!

-Coach Natalie

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