Mobile App: Ability to customize the swipe actions (edited)

I like that there are swipe actions for transaction in iOS, but for me it would be more useful if I could replace the "swipe to categorize" gesture with "swipe to mark reviewed". Currently to mark reviewed I need to swipe to the "other actions" menu then mark as reviewed, but this is one too many steps for me. My transactions are typically categorized by default using rules so I would use this gesture less than reviewing my transactions, which I'd like to do for every transaction.
My idea is to allow us to customize what the swipe gestures are for both left and right swipes.
Give users ability to customize what the swipe left and swipe right on a transaction does - I swipe left quite often to set category - but never swipe right because I don't use the "actions" functionality. It would be way more useful for me if I could make swipe right be "add tags" since I use those religiously.