Web Release 3.97.0

Coach Natalie
Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

Hello All,

Here are the issues and features we were able to tackle with the 3.97.0 Web Release, released January 26th:

  • FIXED: The line for $0 in the Projected Cash flow graph is difficult to see in Dark Mode.
  • FIXED: The Net Income Report's graph is missing.
  • FIXED: User's Savings Goal 'By Account' calculation is incorrect.
  • FIXED: Issues with Planned Spending amount changes not reflecting immediately.
  • FIXED: Spending Plan's 'Income after bills & savings' bar covers the entire bottom of the screen.
  • FIXED: The 'Recent Spending' Dashboard card is missing the Recurring icon for Recurring Transactions.
  • FIXED: Clicking "Edit Pending Settings" from the 'Balance with Pending' tooltip in accounts does not open the Edit Account window as expected.
  • FIXED: Error message not displayed when creating a Planned Spending expense for a Category that's already used in Planned Spending.
  • FIXED: Including the 'Money In' side of a Recurring Transfer in the Spending Plan includes the 'Money Out' side instead.
  • FIXED: Visual issue with the account name when editing transactions inline in certain conditions.
  • FIXED: Various errors and crashes.

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Thank you!

-Coach Natalie

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