Balance with pending is incorrect

my balance with pending is incorrectly adding the pending transaction amount instead of subtracting it. For example, actual balance is $1471.28. Pending amount is $188.40. Balance with pending should be $1282.88 but is showing as $1659.68.
The pending amount is a monthly recurring bill so it is odd that suddenly it is calculating incorrectly.
Hello @Jeannette,
To help troubleshoot this issue, please provide more information. When did you first notice this issue? How many accounts is this issue affecting? Are the affected accounts connected accounts or manual? If the affected accounts are connected accounts, which financial institution(s) are they connected to? What kind of accounts are affected (banking, credit card, investment, etc)? Since you mentioned that the pending amount is a recurring bill, is there a pending transaction for this recurring bill in the affected account(s) register, or is the recurring bill just reflecting as a reminder with no corresponding transaction yet?
I look forward to your response!
-Coach Kristina