New Category-Split user interface wastes time

digital nomad
digital nomad Member
edited March 12 in Feedback

The old UI for splitting a single transaction across multiple categories was superior.

Now, when I select 'Split,' a new dialogue appears, displaying two blank Category rows. The new UI effectively removes any existing category that was on the Transaction Detail window, wasting multiple clicks as I am forced to find it again in the first category field.

Additionally, the amount 'Left To Split' was previously automatically filled into the bottom empty category. Now, I need to make another selection to have it filled, and the 'Add Left to Split' doesn't even add the balance to the existing bottom category; it just makes a new one. This causes me to delete the last category I just added, before then renaming the one created by the button action.

It's not world-ending, but this is a UI change that seems to solve zero issues and instead wastes user time with several additional selections than before to accomplish the same task.

Somewhat unrelated, but I also support showing the split category names in the Transactions view instead of just showing "—-Split—-", similar to how multiple Tags are currently displayed with a comma separation. I DO NOT support the suggestion that split-category transactions should be shown as multiple transactions; that would cause way too much confusion.

Thanks for hearing me out! 😀


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