No Automated Way to Contribute to Savings Goals (edited)

Diver4242 Member ✭✭✭
edited March 15 in Using Savings Goals

I started a monthly transfer from checking to our brokerage money market fund (which acts as our high-yield savings) that contains funding for three things - some for vacation, some for holidays/gifts, some for our next cars. I thought by simply splitting the transaction three ways, each one a transfer from checking to the brokerage, and then tagging the savings goals it would work. Makes sense, right? Goals weren't funded. Why can't this be nice and easy/automatic/simple to use and intuitive this way? Then, I tried to manually 'contribute to goal' and saw only my banking accounts were shown, not our brokerage. Why doesn't this work?? Why exclude brokerages?? I do the beta so got excited when I saw the pop up this morning that splits would actually be usable.


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