Monthly Charitable giving... planned spending or recurring bill?

cmcgalla Member

I searched but could not find the answer…

I give money twice per month to church and once per month to another organization. It is always the same amount for the 2 times to church and one time to the other organization. What is the best way to track this? I don't think planned spending would be right because I know how much I am spending, does that make it a bill?

Also for the bills…as an example my electric bill is not always the same, so how do I set up that bill?


Best Answer

  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 19 Answer ✓

    Hi @cmcgalla

    I have all my charitable giving as recurring subscriptions (bill or subscription is user choice). If you use a check or digital payment method that shows up in your bank account, thee recurrence and amounts are consistant and is downloaded to Simplifi I think this is the easiest way to track these transactions.

    I also have my variable utilitiy bills set up as recurring bills. There are two ways to handle the variability: use the annual average for the amount; work through the next 12 months and enter that month's estimated amount. I do the

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