Transfers from a retirement account into checking do not show up in the spending plan

HomeBudget Member
edited April 2024 in Troubleshooting

Every month 3 amounts transfer from my retirement account into my checking account. These transfers have been marked by me as personal income—>retirement draw and are marked as recurring monthly. Each of them have the same name of where they are coming from.

In January they all showed up as expected in the spending plan. In February only one did, and in March again only one. The same one. I can find no difference in any of the transfers in the transactions section. I have gone in and run them through the recurring transaction process again to no avail. They are marked to display in the spending plan area. These are the only ones in my Personal Income section that display this behavior. I have to believe it has something to do the the fact they are transferred from one account into another, but then why does one always work but not the other 2? I don't remember, or know if it matters, if I created the "retirement draw" category or if it was there all along.

Any Ideas?


  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @HomeBudget

    Check to see if the two missing transactions are showing up in Transfers section instead of the Income section.

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
  • Oh boy, just noticed that the check boxes for Spending Plan and Reports were checked off. I never noticed that was to Exclude, not Include.

    A DUH moment. Thanks for the response, all is good now.

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