SPLG holdings incorrectly labeled.

Karim Benbourenane
Karim Benbourenane Member ✭✭
edited March 19 in Investments

The SPDR® Portfolio S&P 500® ETF, known by ticker symbol SPLG, is a rather large ETF by market cap and holds more than $32 billion in assets under management. So it's not an obscure ETF holding by any means, certainly a large number of Simplifi users will have this in their portfolio especially now that they've dropped their expense ratio to be the lowest in the industry for S&P 500 index ETFs.

However, in Simplifi this symbol isn't properly named, and instead has labeled the number "78464A854".

Could the devs please correctly label this ETF so that I can actually identify from a list view of investments what my holding is? I have other positions with similar total market values and I've found myself having to search for the individual share price to actually identify what I'm looking at.

Thanks for your attention, and I hope some time can be allocated to fixing this labeling issue (and other investment securities labels in general).




  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @Karim Benbourenane,

    Thanks for reaching out to the community! In order to verify what we need to do for your situation, could you let us know whether the Investment account is manual or connected to a Financial Institution? As well as the name of the Financial Institution if it is connected.

    Thank You,

    Coach Jon

  • It is connected to a financial institution, namely Fidelity. In the app it is named "Fidelity Inv & Retirement" and has the URL https://nb.fidelity.com/public/nb/default/home .

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @Karim Benbourenane,

    Thanks for the reply! We will need to gather some information from you if you could please reply with the information below:

    1. The name of the account, as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
    2. The balance for the account in the Accounts List in Quicken Simplifi (this is the list of all accounts and balances on the left side of the Dashboard on the Quicken Simplifi Web App, or the list of all of your accounts when you select "Accounts" from the Quicken Simplifi Mobile App).
    3. The balance for the account in the Investments Portfolio in Quicken Simplifi (if you have multiple investment accounts, you'll want to filter the page to just this account).
    4. The balance for the account as displayed on the bank's website.
    5. A screenshot of the holdings for the account in Quicken Simplifi (if you have multiple investment accounts, you'll want to filter the page to just this account).
    6. A screenshot of the holdings on the bank's website for a comparison.

    We will need to see all holdings in Quicken Simplifi as well as on the bank website for a full comparison.

    Thank You,

    Coach Jon

  • Karim Benbourenane
    Karim Benbourenane Member ✭✭
    edited March 28

    Thanks Coach Jon, this requires me to divulge personal financial information (balances and other holdings) for the whole world to see. I'd prefer to have some discretion and keep that information out of public view. However, I can share it directly with you individually if I can send it to you directly. Can you explain to me how I can directly send you this information so that only you and the Quicken team are able to see it?

    Edit: I see that I can send you a direct message, didn't see that before. I will send you the information you ask for.

  • @Coach Jon I've sent you a private message with all the information you requested due to the sensitive nature of my financial data and this being a public forum. Please let us know if you have any updates once you can make use of that information, and if I can provide additional details please don't hesitate to reach out either in this thread or through private message.



  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    edited April 2

    @Karim Benbourenane, thanks for providing the requested information!

    I have gone ahead and gotten this issue escalated and will let you know when we hear back.

    -Coach Natalie

    CTP-9583 // CTP-8617

  • Karim Benbourenane
    Karim Benbourenane Member ✭✭
    edited May 9

    @Coach Natalie has there any progress on this issue? I've noticed that if I were to add accounts manually, you do indeed have SPLG as an available symbol and Simplifi can keep track of it, but accounts that are synced with Simplifi containing SPLG continue to show that symbol as "78464A854". Since I don't have the option to rename the symbol, it's still stuck like that until your developers fix this naming glitch.

    I look forward to your response.


  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @Karim Benbourenane, no update yet. As soon as an update becomes available, I'll be sure to let you know.

    Since this is an issue with Fidelity's new OAuth API connection, it may take some time to resolve (I'm basing this on other issues we've logged since migrating to Fidelity's OAuth API). You may consider also contacting Fidelity directly to help make them aware of the issue. Their contact info can be found here: https://help.simplifimoney.com/en/articles/6997452-new-and-improved-way-to-connect-to-your-financial-institution-oauth-api#h_e0eec49ace

    Thanks for your patience!

    -Coach Natalie

  • Karim Benbourenane
    Karim Benbourenane Member ✭✭
    edited June 7

    I don't have direct access to the software development team at Fidelity. However, I've asked Fidelity customer support to forward my request for for their software engineering team to change their OAuth API to always return the ticker symbol instead of the CUSIP. Still, I am not sure that they're going to make such a large change as what I'm asking just based on an individual user story. Other users of their OAuth API may have already written code to deal with this ticker/CUSIP issue, and making the change I've requested would break things for those users. Maybe they will decide to do it, but my guess is that they wont.

    If we are to assume that it is unlikely that they will make such a change, can't Quicken's Simplifi software engineering team put some code in place specifically for Fidelity to check if the return response contains a CUSIP and if so look up the ticker? With the example above of SPLG, I know that for my Robinhood account it correctly shows those assets as "SPLG", but the SPLG I own in my Fidelity accounts always shows as "78464A854".