Working with Planned Spending Rollover: An Experiment

This is my attempt to set up what I call my non-monthly flexible expenses as a monthly planned spending rollover category. Here is how I am setting this up:
- I include annual flexible spending amounts for auto maintenance/repairs, home maintenance/repairs, birthday & holiday gifts and healthcare providers/pharmacy.
- Each of these are set up as a subcategory under the appropriate top category.
- I created a new top category: "Annual Flexible Expenses."
- I moved each of the subcategories from the various top categories to my new Annual Flexible Expenses category.
- This gives me the means to capture spending in these various non-monthly and variable spending categories under a Planned Spending bucket, "Annual Flexible Spending."
Up until now I have used a Savings goal to set aside the money I plan to spend for these various flexible expenses on a monthly basis. In turn, whenever I spent money on one of expenses, I have excluded the expense from my spending plan and made a withdraw to spend on goal from the SG.
- I withdrew the balance of my annual flexible spending savings funds from the SG and deleted the SG.
- I created a new Planned Spending bucket I'm calling "Annual Flexible Expenses."
- I assigned the newly created category "Annual Flexible Expenses" which includes all my annual flexible subcategories to this new Planned Spending bucket.
- I set the Monthly amount to the same amount as my monthly SG contribution.
- I set the Opening rollover to the amount I had in the Savings Goal as of date of bucket creation.
Since some of my monthly recurring expenses are categorized with the same subcategories I'm now using for my new Annual Flexible Expenses Planned Spending bucket, I created new subcategories for the monthly recurring billed expenses so they don't get double counted in my new Planned Spending bucket.
I'm not sure how this will pan out, but I'll provide updates in the coming months to share any issues, any adjustments, and any additions.
What I hope this will provide is a means to streamline how I handle these non-monthly but necessary flexible expenses by eliminating the need to exclude these expenses from my spending plan and then having to make contributions to and withdraws from a Saving Goal.
Another potential benefit will be a better and .ore accurate accounting of other funds available and actual expenses. I won't have to remember to do the exclusion and withdrawal.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
I have now set up a Planned Spending rollover bucket for my annual fixed expenses following the same process as outlined above using a new parent category for annual fixed expenses and moved the fixed expense sub-categories into this new parent category and in addition I:
- I went through my list of recurring expenses and deleted all the annual/semi-annual recurring expenses. These included such things as annual subscriptions, annual insurance premiums, property tax, etc.
- Removing annual/semi-annual expenses from my recurring bills/subscriptions is not an issue because:
- I have these expenses set up for auto pay out of the account in which I hold these funds.
- I receive notifications from my bank and from the billers for these expenses in a timely manner so I can double check the funds to pay are available.
- By deleting these expenses from recurring bills/subscriptions, when they are paid, they will now show up in the Annual Fixed Expense bucket in Planned Spending and hopefully the roll over will show the accumulating funds for these expenses in the months they come due.buried?
- I clicked through the next 12 month's Spending Plans to see how my changes panned out. I had a couple of months that were in the red. These were months with annual recurring bills I had missed in my find and delet recurring step. Now all of the next 12 months are in the green.
As a result of these two changes, I now have only 3 Savings Goals one of which is for our annual travel expenses. Depending on how these changes to planned spending rollover work out I may set up our travel expenses as a rollover bucket also.
Stay tuned!
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer2 -
March is in the books and April has arrived. My two Planned Spending rollover categories now reflect what I have "in reserve" brought forward from previous months in addition to my April targets for each category. I did have expenses paid out in both categories in March that are now part of my visible data in Q-Simplifi whereas before those expenses would have been excluded from the spending plan and handled with Savings Goal funds.
Based on what I'm seeing to date, I'm now wondering if I may want to go ahead and breakout the various expenses that are reflected in both the Fixed and Flexible categories into separate Planned Spending categories. This would increase the number of Planned Spending categories but would allow my Q-Simplifi Spending Plan to more accurately reflect the hard copy budget worksheet. To do this now would require some work as I tried to sort out just how much is already set aside for each covered expense within the current pool of funds that has been accumulating over time.
I'll start with going back to my spreadsheet model budget and doing some figuring of what I've got and where it all is, then make the decision.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer1 -
An Observation
When I sat down to look into transitioning another SG into a Planned Spending rollover category along the same lines outlined above, I discovered something I hadn't noticed or thought about with the two previous transitions.
As I was looking at the SG I'm thinking of transitioning, I decided to double check what SG funds are held in which real-world account. So, in the Savings Goal page, I clicked on the "By account" tab and suddenly I became aware that I no longer had an accounting of all of the funds held in various accounts.
One of the issues with preparing for non-monthly expenses, whether fixed or flexible, is the need to ACTUALLY set aside the real-world cash for those future expenses. With Savings Goals I had to designate which real-world account I was holding the cash in to cover whatever expense I was saving toward. The Savings Goal feature gives me a way to see the amount of funds set aside for SGs in the accounts list AND on the Savings Goal page "By account" tab. Even better, on the "By account tab," I can see specifically how much in each account is designated for each SG and how much cash, if any, is undesignated in any accounts used for SGs.
When I transitioned some of my SGs to Planned Spending rollover that accounting feature went away leaving me with undesignated amounts in various accounts and using the rollover feature I no longer have a way to see in Q-Simplifi how much and where the cash I am theoretically rolling over is being held.
This isn't necessarily a problem, but it was nice to see how the funds in various cash accounts had been accounted for and what those funds were set aside for. I'll miss that… hmm, maybe I'll make this a feature request. 🤔😁
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer2 -
Interesting budgeting method. I'll be interested to see how it pans out.
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Update 3
Now that I've had a chance to see how the Planned Spending rollover feature can work, I have converted my Travel SG into a Planned Spending expense category with the monthly SG contribution amount as the expected monthly goal and adding the current balance of the Savings Goal funds as the Opening rollover amount. I have withdrawn the balance from the Travel SG as a withdraw for another purpose and those funds are now free floating and available for future travel expenses.
A few more observations as I make these transitions:
- I will continue to use the same cash accounts to sequester the money needed to cover these rollover expenses in the same accounts I used for the SGs.
- Two sequestering accounts are HYS savings accounts, and the balances of these accounts should equal the amount available from month-to-month including the current months target amount once transfers are complete.
- These accounts are high interest-bearing accounts which will require me to adjust the monthly target amount by the amount of interest earned each month to keep the interest payments accounted for. This should be equivalent to my practice of adding the interest to the monthly SG contribution.
- Making these transitions shouldn't affect my overall Spending Plan since all the covered expenses were accounted for via SGs. Moving forward I anticipate these expenses being visible in my Spending Plan and better represented in my expense reports.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer0 -
Hey thanks for the experiment. Love the updates.
I have different sub categories under Travel: Hotels, Air fare, Vacation Dining, etc. Are those captured when you put Travel as a sub category under, Annual Flexible Expenses?
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Yes, if you use subcategories for these expenses under Travel as the parent category, QS will include them for tracking purposed in your Travel Planned Spending bucket.
When I set up in Quicken Simplifi, my goal was to be as minimal as possible. I didn't want to get any more granular in my tracking than necessary, at least necessary in my mind. In keeping with that ideal, I don't break out our travel expenses beyond "Travel." I do have an Excelle spreadsheet book where I plan out our trips and this is where I'll do the more detailed budgeting work, but when it comes time to pay for the trip and track it in QS, I categorize all expenses as Travel. I do use tags for further sorting and keeping track of how much we have spent for each travel experience.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer0 -
Hi @DannyB I'm a little confused, so QS WILL track subcategories of Travel? eg
- Annual Flexible Spending (Main cat)
- Travel (subcategory)
- Airfare (sub of travel)
- Lodging
- Travel (subcategory)
I thought QS only allow one subcategory.
I use a SS to plan, but I us QS and the sub categories to see what really happened. The QS Reports give me a good account of what I actually did and helps plan forward.
0 - Annual Flexible Spending (Main cat)
QS only allows one level of subcategories. I don’t have any subcategories under Travel.
This is how I’m set up.
- Annual Flexible Expense
- Auto Service/Care
- Gifts
- Home Maintenance/Repairs
- Health Providers/Pharmacy
What I was saying above is that to have subcategories under Travel it will need to be a separate Planned Spending bucket.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer1 - Annual Flexible Expense
Update 4
I now have 3 rollover enabled Planned Spending categories: Annual Fixed Expenses, Annual Flexible Expenses, and Travel. Here is the breakdown of what is included in each of these categories.
- Annual Fixed Expenses
- Annual Membership/Subscriptions
- Auto Insurance
- Auto Registration
- Property Tax
- Annual Flexible Expenses
- Auto Service/Care
- Birthdays & Christmas
- Home Maintenance/Repairs
- Providers/Pharmacy
- Travel
- "Annual Flexible Expenses" and "Annual Fixed Expenses" are artificial parent categories with unrelated sub-categories.
- "Annual Flexible Expenses" are irregular and non-monthly expenses for which I need a pool of funds to draw from these expenses are incurred. These are the types of expenses that Planned Sending is designed for.
- "Annual Fixed Expenses" are the types of expenses that would typically be accounted for under "Income after bills & savings" as recurring bills. They can easily be handled in Planned Spending as a rollover category. The drawback is that these predictable, fixed expenses will not show up in Cash Flow projections unless or until Q-Simplifi works out a way to include Planned Spending in the projections.
- "Travel" covers all expenses related to our leisure travel. I don't bother with breaking these expenses down in Simplifi although when we plan a trip, we do have a spreadsheet for all the details of any given trip. I just don't see a need to itemize those expenses in Simplifi.
- I've thought about and have even done some work toward breaking out these expenses into individual Planned Spending buckets:
- Pros
- Each expense can be moved back be to the logical parent category, i.e. Auto Insurance as a child of Auto/Transportation, etc.
- Detailed visualization of how much is set aside and accumulating toward each expense month by month separately rather than one large pool covering all sub expenses.
- No changes to the actual process of categorizing the actual expense data.
- "Cleaner" reports by eliminating the artificial Annual Fixed and Annual Flexible categories.
- Cons
- Added complexity to the Planned Spending page due to more Planned Spending categories listed.
- The work of actually making the change: rethinking my current set up, dividing up the existing pool of funds into the individual categories, reorganizing parent and child categories.
- Pros
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer1 - Annual Fixed Expenses
Update 5
Yesterday (4/30) I made the move to breakout my annual fixed expenses into separate Planned Spending categories with rollover enabled.
In the process, I was able to assess just how much of the unspent cash in my cash accounts is already spoken for and for what specific expense.
Some of these expenses have already been paid for 2024 basically using cash set aside in 2023 and the current year monthly rollover will, for the most part, be accumulating for the 2025 expenses.
All of these "rollovers" are covered by a monthly automatic transfer to an interest-bearing account. This allows me to keep track of what is set aside for these expenses sort of reflecting what QS does with Savings Goals. I will have to do some math to make sure the balance of the holding account matches the sum of these fixed expenses as the rollover amount increases month-to-month, so that will be something to keep an eye on.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer1 -
I'm definitely in favor of the Pro's. Again I wish QS would allow multiple selections within a sub category. So I've had to break up a couple of sub categories to allow this to happen. Not a deal breaker but, not ideal!
I've moved most of what I had in Savings Goals to Planned spending with rollovers. I used Mint this way and having used QS PRE rollover, I find that I prefer the rollover method to track items. The con for me isn't one, as now I can see all my planned expenses in one place, not having to click back and forth from Savings plans to Spending Plans. Yes longer list, but all within a single page.
Thanks for the updates @DannyB
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Update 6
As May winds down I find that my experiment with the Planned Spending rollover feature is working well in all instances I have created Today I have taken the final step of transitioning my Annual Flexible expenses to individual rollover Planned Spending categories.
- I no longer have any multi-category buckets in any of my Spending Plan.
- My Savings Goals are all appropriately focused on specific one-time expenses.
- My Spending Plan more closely matches my actual pencil and paper worksheet (OK, it's a digital spreadsheet, but you get the gist… or maybe not - I can imagine there are some members of this forum who have never actually used pencil and paper to do this kind of stuff 😎)
At this point I will declare my experiment a success.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer2 -
Thanks for sharing this experiment. I've pretty much done the same.
I do wish QS will create a feature to select within subcategories so that I can keep things like "auto service" UNDER a main category of "Auto" So that when I create a Report, I could just check "Auto" to cover all Auto related expenses.
@DannyB outside of creating a Watchlist, do you have other ways to rollup Categories since you've broken out Auto Expense?
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I don't know if this answers your question exactly, but the only other place to see my overall spending is in Reports > Spending. For what it's worth here's what my Expenses report looks like:
I have 8 parent categories. Most of these 8 parent categories have child categories. You mention the Auto category that I call for no particular reason "Auto & Transportation" other that habit. I use 4 child categories under Auto & Transportation: Auto Insurance, Auto Registration, Auto Service/Care, Gas & Fuel. In May I had transactions affecting 3 of these child categories.
Gas & Fuel is set up as a straightforward Planned Spending bucket since we plan to spend a certain amount each month on gasoline with no need to roll over any over or under spending. Auto Registration is properly a recurring bill that I would more "properly" fit under Bills in the Income after bills and savings section. But since I want to accumulate money to cover our three annual auto registrations, I went ahead and set these up as a Planned Spending bucket with rollover enabled and set the monthly planned spend at 12th of the total for all three bills. These are, in turn, NOT set up as recurring bills. Auto Service/Care also fits in the Planned Spending section and, in my mind, is what the rollover feature is most properly suited to. These are irregular regular spending that needs to be planned for but is not necessarily or easily done month-to-month like gasoline or groceries, etc. I pay my insurance policy annually and have this expense set up as rollover planned spending.
So, to your question, "outside of creating a Watchlist, do you have other ways to rollup Categories since you've broken out Auto Expense?" I think the Expenses report page does this nicely. In the primary screen I am giving a summary of my spending by parent category, i.e., a rollup of all expenses related to Auto. By clicking on the Auto category in the primary screen I open a second screen that shows me the details by child category.
I understand and use the Spending Plan to do my monthly planning and tracking and Reports gives me a summary of my expenses as the month unfolds.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer0 -
@DannyB Thanks for posting this. Adds a lot of clarity. So for each "child" do you have a Spending Plan Line item? I have lots of "childs" as you can see, so this is why I've been requesting to select multiple childs to create a single Spending Plan line item.
Under Auto, Registration and Service are rollover line items in my Spending Plan. Insurance and Car Payments are captured under Bills. Gas and fuel is pretty minimal since I drive electric and show ups in Other Spending when it happens.
Below used to be under Auto/Transportation as well, but because the Spending Plan won't let me select multiple "childs" I had to breakout Transportation Cost parent and select it to create a line item in the Spending Plan.
To see all of my car/transportation related expenses in Reports, I have to filter and select both to see the rollup. Not a deal breaker but before creating the separate parents, I just selected Auto and saw all the car and trans related expenses in one pass. I've also voted for saved Reports too :)
Thanks again.
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Yeah, under the current configuration the only option I can think of is to include all your transportation related expenses under one Parent category if you want all those expenses tracked as a group. But as far as including them in your monthly Spending Plan I don't think it matters as much since the individual expenses can show up in different sections of the Spending Plan.
I don't see the Spending Plan as primarily (if at all) set up to be an income/expense tracking tool. It's a planning tool… and believe it or not one of its key functions is to show the user how much they have available to spend AFTER the user has accounted for all fixed and flexible monthly expenses along with any active savings goal contributions. I think this is what throws folks off when they come to QS from a different platform that is set up for budgeting and tracking in the same screen.
QS provides what is for me an outstanding and eloquent planning tool that, IMHO, far surpasses the more traditional budgeting strategies offered in other platforms. The QS Spending Plan really is a different animal.
Sticking with the Auto and Transportation expenses, for planning purposes some of these expenses are fixed monthly expenses and are included in the Bills or Subscriptions section of Income after bills & savings. Other auto and transport expenses are more flexible, and I have set up Planned Spending buckets for each of those with monthly target amounts. Of these flexible Planned Spending buckets some are also set up to rollover under/overspending to following months and some do not roll over into follow on months. In addition, one of my Savings Goals is for auto replacement which is a child category under Auto & Transport. But this is handled via a Savings Goal with the monthly contribution visible and deducted in my Spending Plan, but this contribution is not technically an expense paid to an outside vendor and thus does not show up in the Auto & Transport report.
All of these expenses are categorized as Auto and Transport expenses and the total spending for this parent category will be reported in the Expense page of Reports and if I have a Watchlist set up for the whole category there also with additional details. In the expense report I can drill down to see the how much I've spent in each child category.
In your situation, if I wanted to have all the Auto expenses and all the Transportation expenses tracked together the only solution I can see as QS is currently set up is to create an Auto & Transportation parent category and put all the child categories you have under your current set up under the one new all-inclusive category. This won't change how you have the expenses sorted out in your Spending Plan, but it will change how you see them reported.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer0 -
"In your situation, if I wanted to have all the Auto expenses and all the Transportation expenses tracked together the only solution I can see as QS is currently set up is to create an Auto & Transportation parent category and put all the child categories you have under your current set up under the one new all-inclusive category. This won't change how you have the expenses sorted out in your Spending Plan, but it will change how you see them reported."
Maybe I'm missing something, If I put all Children under one Parent, the Spending plan won't let me select multiple Children under a Parent to create a single Spending plan line item. QS allows to select ONLY the Parent OR a single Child. Thats why I had to create two Parents. Am I missing a method or feature on how to select multiple Children for a single Spending Plan?
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Here is the requested feature. I know you may not need this but maybe add a vote as it might give you options on how to organize your Spending Plan!
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I voted for @Flopbot's feature request when he first posted it as a matter of support. But…
…I'm a bit thick headed when it comes to some of this stuff and at this point in my journey, I just don't need the level of granularity that you and others are looking for. If I have a particular expense that is critical enough in my thinking that I need to set up a Planned Spending bucket for it, I will set up that bucket for that expense. Otherwise, I have no problem with grouping expenses together in "big" buckets and setting aside a spending goal/limit for that particular group of expenses. I have two of these buckets in my Planned Spending - "General Expenses" and "Other Fun Stuff."
I have even begun thinking recently about whether or not I need any "granularity" beyond my current parent categories:
- Housing
- Transportation
- Charity
- Food & Household
- Quality of Life
- Travel
- Health
- Miscellaneous
I would even probably consolidate "Quality of Life" and "Miscellaneous" since what I include under these two categories could easily be included in one or the other.
As far as how these would fit into my Spending Plan would be to deduct the average amount spent in these categories via monthly recurring bills and subscriptions leaving any balance of the overall amount budgeted in Planned Spending buckets. This way I would have 8 (or 7) Planned Spending buckets. As it stands now, 4 (Housing, Transportation, Travel, Health) would be rollover buckets and the other 4 (3) would be non-rollover buckets due to the types of expenses included in each category.
If I wanted granularity, I think I would use Tags to identify those specific expenses and use Reports to see what's what.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer1 -
Thanks, one reason I use Categories is that QS does a pretty good job of Rules so I don't do a lot of work keep track of them. But they are nice to have when you are looking to see specific categories. For me, I feel like Tags compliment Categories. So I use tags to group multiple categories, like expenses for big project that might utilize different categories. Or say within Auto, I want to see what Car 1 costs me. So I set up a Car 1 tag.
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Update 7:
Yesterday I was out running errands and dropping some stuff off at the local Habitat for Humanity ReStore. While pulling over to make room for another vehicle leaving the store I ended up clipping a pallet I hadn't notices… Pallet vs front tire - Pallet 1, tire 0!
So, I went about the process of changing out the now very flat and unrepairable tire with the spare with a little (read LOT) of help from one of the store employees, called the shop I get all my service and repairs done and off I went to get a new set of tires.
Job done, payment made and home I go.
This morning, I checked in on QS and had a notification that I was over my spending target for auto service & repair. This is one of my roll over enabled categories and what I have available with roll over in June isn't enough to cover this particular purchase. This will be my first real-time test of rolling over a negative amount into the next month.
This expense is well within my annual planning for auto repairs and service - tires are one of those things you just need to replace when the time comes.
6 months ago, this purchase would have been paid for out of a Savings Goal and the expense excluded from my Spending Plan. But with the new rollover feature I can do one of two things:
- I can increase this month's target to cover this expense using unneeded money in a couple of other Planned Spending buckets adjusting them down plus funds that rolled over from previous months and a bit from my Surprise & Miscellaneous SG to cover this expense and stay in the green for Jone.
- Or I can just let the negative amount rollover and eventually (3 months) this Planned Spending bucket will refill and start to show a positive roll over amount.
Since the purpose of the rollover feature is to eliminate the juggling in "solution" 1, I will go with "solution" 2.
All that is fine, but I still need to actually cover this expense from my actual available funds sometime between now and the credit card billing cycle due date. I noted in the #2 scenario that it will take at least 4 months to recover what is needed to fully pay this expense which and that's if I don't have any other major repair. But I will need to actually pay this expense by August 16 (the due date for the current billing cycle). So where do I get the actual cash to pay this expense? Easy peasy! I'll dip into my "Surprise & Miscellaneous" savings that are tracked in Simplifi via a Savings Goal. When the time comes to actually pay this expense, I will be able to use Planned Spending funds that have rolled over from previous months ($514) plus some of the current months target funds ($100 leaving some for such things as car washes) plus some of July's and August's target funds ($100 each month, again leaving some for other possible needs) plus the funds from Surprise & Miscellaneous ($200) which will cover the full cost of this expense.
What this means for tracking the actual real-world cash:
- Auto Service & Repair Planned Spending w/rollover is held in my checking account and tracked in QS via untracked SG.
- When the expense is actually paid, I will make a withdrawal to spend on goal from this SG which will return this money to my available balance and then I can send it off to the CC company.
- Surprise & Miscellaneous SG funds are held in a savings account.
- I will make a withdrawal to spend on goal from the Surprise SG returning that cash to my available balance, transfer it back to my checking account to be sent off to the CC company.
Stay tuned for my July update on how this works out.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer1 -
Update 7 addendum:
According to my June Spending Plan, I have a certain amount of available cash left over that isn’t needed for any of my outstanding bills, subscriptions, tracked transfers, tracked SG contributions or set aside for potential Planned Spending for designated purposes.
For the past 30 months I’ve not used that available letting it slip into oblivion at the turn of the month. This is true even though I’ve wondered about “where” that supposed “available/left at end of month” abides in the real world, asking what others do with it, making suggestions about how to “capture” it and even “tracked” it outside of QS with a spreadsheet.
As I reviewed my Spending Plan this morning I noted that my Available is more than adequate to cover what I am over in my Auto Service & Repair because of my set of tires purchase. Since I can do whatever I want with that available undesignated money, this becomes another source to cover the overage and will allow me to “catch up” now instead of 4 months from now. If I use the Available to supplement what is already sitting in this bucket for this purchase, I won’t need to dip into my Surprise funds when it comes time to pay. In essence, I supposedly have some cash laying around and now I’m going to gather that cash up and spend it.
This will be a test of how realtime my QS Spending Plan actually is.
Done. I just edited this month’s Auto Maintenance & Repair target amount adding the amount of the overage and now my Available has been reduced by that amount. Of course this “blows” my Plan for the month but on the other hand I would have “lost” the available funds anyway at months end.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer0 -
Update 8:
True to the old adage, "when it rains, it pours," it turns out that not only did I have to purchase a new set of tires for ye olde Canyon, but a few days later, I was driving back to L.A. in that Canyon and the air conditioning went out - not a good thing in 100+ heat. So, I needed to take care of that issue raising the amount spent on auto maintenance for June even higher. This put me into the red for my Auto Care Planned Spending bucket, even after adding the available for June. Now that we are in July, QS "rolled over" a negative amount into my Auto Care bucket from June and has added my July allotment leaving me with a net positive… at least for these first few days. I don't have any maintenance due for either of our vehicles so there shouldn't be any further need to draw on these funds - we'll see. 🚙
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer0