Unable to add Wells Fargo credit card account (edited)

I was able to connect and add my Wells Fargo bank information. I also have a Wells Fargo credit card on that account. When transferring over, I did check the options for the credit cart to come over as well. However, just the two checking accounts and savings appeared. It does not show my credit card as an option. I deleted it out and tried adding again, and its the same thing. If I can't bring this over, Quickens is useless to me because that is where 80 percent of my transaction come from. Thank you in advance for any help!
Hello @PixiePower,
Thanks for reaching out to the community! Have you checked your bank's website to verify that your credit card account is set up for third-party sharing? This is generally something I have seen in the past. Additionally, is this a new account you are setting up, or an existing account in Quicken Simplifi?
Coach Jon
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I am a Wells Fargo customer also and have successfully connected my 3 WF accounts, checking, savings, and credit card, so it can be done.
You can see what accounts are authorized and connected to Quicken Simplifi form your Wells Fargo account. Log into your WF account then click on "Welcome [your name]" on top of page at the right. Click on "Manage Access" then click on "Manage Connected Apps." You can now see a list of third party apps or connection services you have authorized to access your WF account. Click on the + next to Quicken and you will see what accounts you have authorized to connect with Simplifi.
If your credit card is listed make sure the check box next to your credit card has is selected. If your credit card is not listed, you will need to check with WF as to why.
Hope that helps.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer1 -
Hello Jon,
Thank you for your response. I do believe my credit card is set up to third party accounts because I use it on my Samsung Smart Watch but I will double check. This is a brand new account with Simiplifi that I just set up yesterday. I also did go check on the Wells Fargo webpage to make sure it has permission and it does and all checking, savings and the credit card have been given permission to be used by Quicken. Do you think it could be the amount of accounts? I have four total needing to come over, two checking account, a savings account and then the credit card.
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Hello Danny,
Thank you for commenting back and your help! I did go to my Wells Fargo account yesterday to make sure that Wells Fargo did give access to all four accounts and it has given permission for them to be connected. Could it be because I have four accounts with them not just three? I have two checking accounts, saving and then the credit card. Thanks again for your help!!
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I don't think the number of accounts matters.
I just opened a new cc account with one of my issuers and it didn't show up in Simplifi. Check my account on the issuer's website and saw that I had not selected to have new eligible accounts added automatically. Went ahead and selected that option, saved and logged out. restarted QS and did a refresh but the account was still not added. So…
…in QS went to Settings>Accounts>Wells Fargo>ellipses>Reset connection.
Went through the reconnection process and my new card was now available to connect. I matched up my existing cc with the QS existing account and added the new account as a new account. Completed the connection process and now my new cc is connected and shows in QS.
Another option is to make your existing WF accounts manual and then go to Wells Fargo website, sign in and delete your Quicken connection. Once done return to QS and go through the Add new account process for WF and carefully match your now manual accounts to WF accounts and perhaps add the WF cc account as new account.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer0 -
I think for some reason it is limiting the number of Well Fargo accounts I can transfer over. I removed everything and started fresh. I made sure not to add my second checking account and just one checking, one savings and the cc. It transferred the cc over perfectly. I removed again tried off four again and would only transfer three over. Either way I got the credit card on there which is much more important than the second checking I don't really use. Thank you again for all your help and support!
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I'm glad you were able to get your cc connected but such a limit seems tsurprising. I have 9 accounts at Charles Schawb and no problems with all 9 connections in QS.
@Coach Jon do you have any insight on this? Do some institutions limit the number of connected accounts?
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer0 -
Hello @DannyB and @PixiePower,
Thanks for your replies. There should be no limit on the number of connected accounts per Institution. I am glad you were able to get your Credit Card account connected! If you still need assistance getting your second Checking account connected, feel free to let us know and we can help with troubleshooting.
Coach Jon
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I'm also unable to add a WF credit card. When connecting/reconnecting the institution, WF shows the CC as one of the accounts that will be synced, but then Simplifi doesn't list it on the very next page. Evidently this is a known issue with no ETA or published workaround.
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Hello @alexr92,
Thanks for reaching out! Have you tried any of the steps provided in this thread? I would start with Resetting the Account connection, as that seems to have worked for users. The steps to do so can be found here:
If that still doesn't work, could you let us know if this is a new account you are adding to Quicken Simplifi, or an existing account already in Quicken Simplifi?
Coach Jon
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I'm having the same issue with my WF credit card. No matter what I do QS won't let me add a the card. I have tried everything mentioned in this thread. In my last attempt, I removed all WF accounts and removed QS app access on the WF side. Then I tried adding just my CC account. At the screen where you check the boxes to allow access, I unchecked everything but the CC. Finally, after clicking through to the end, QS told me that I had already added all available WF accounts so there was nothing to do. In my QS accounts page, there is now a WF heading with no accounts under it. On WF it shows that QS has access to my CC. It seems that QS can't see the card account at all.
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Hello @FDB,
Thanks for letting us know. For clarification, has that Credit Card account ever been able to be added in Quicken Simplifi and is it just not connecting now? Or is it a completely brand-new account you are trying to add into Quicken Simplifi for the first time?
Coach Jon
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It finally started working late last night when I tried to add the card again. My QS account is very new so that may have had something to do with it. To your question, yes this was the first time I had tried adding that credit card account. It had not been connected previously. All of my other credit card accounts connected seamlessly so I was puzzled.
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My Wells Fargo Credit Card linked up right when I first started using QS at the end of last year. I had the same problems listed here and some troubleshooting fixed it in January. March 13th is the last day that the Wells Fargo CC worked on QS, I have been trying all troubleshooting methods listed in this thread and the account will just not show up. I have deleted QS access on WF site multiple times, I have made all accounts manual and tried to add Wells Fargo as a new account. Nothing is working. I don't actually see myself paying for this when my 1 year trial expires since this CC is where 90% of my spending is at.
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Also cannot connect QW via EWC to my WF accounts.
WF website says "Your accounts have been authorized successfully. You will now be redirected back to Quicken. . ."
However, the screen in QW spins and eventually times out showing: "Sign into Wells Fargo bank failed. Try again. Sorry, the sign in failed due to to time out or a connection error. Select sign in to authenticate via your web browser."
This has repeated itself many times. What should I do to enable EWC+?
Thank you.
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Hello @PeteABC123,
I see you are using Quicken for Windows. You will want to visit the Quicken Community and post there for further assistance.
Coach Jon!