How to categorize credit card payments?

Alex C
Alex C Member

I am a former Mint user, new to Simplifi. How is it best to categorize credit card payments, in order to have the data "flow" correctly? In Mint it used to be "transfer", but here I see there's an option to categorize it as the credit card account I am paying into.

Best Answer

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Alex C,

    Thanks for reaching out! When you categorize a transaction as one of your other accounts, you are indicating that the transaction is a transfer to that account. Here is a great article explaining how transfers work in Quicken Simplifi:

    In the case of a credit card payment, creating a transfer to your credit card account would usually indicate that the transaction created is a payment towards that account. I hope this helps!


    Coach Jon

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