Is there a way to get a comprehensive report of "Planned Spending"

Matt n Susi
Matt n Susi Unconfirmed, Member

Has the term "planned spending" has been substituted for "budget?" Are these terms synonymous? Does a "category" imply that there is to be "planned spending?"


  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    It 'can' be used that way. Or, spending plan can equal 'budget' too. When you use planned spending, you're planning to actually spend (hold aside) that much money -after- recurring bills/income. Planned spending and recurring spending are not the same and cannot overlap (If you have a $100 recurring utility bill, it won't be counted as utilities in planned spending, as an example)..

    Rob Wilkens

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