Account balance calculation

bmacd615 Member
edited May 2024 in Troubleshooting

How does simplifi calculate account balances? I did a CSV import from mint. I now have a hard to decipher list of accounts but most seem to show negative values, giving me a almost $200,000 in debt. How do I fix that? All the files are manual accounts now. I haven't tried to connect to the online banks because it is so hard to figure out which listed accounts go with which financial institution. It's a mess.😕


  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @bmacd615,

    Thanks for reaching out! Quicken Simplifi will usually receive the balance directly from the bank itself when connected. If your accounts are manual, and you are having a hard time figuring out which instance in Quicken Simplifi to connect to, we would be glad to offer assistance. What banks were you specifically looking to connect to in Quicken Simplifi?


    Coach Jon

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